The cricket in Wellington was amazing, the weather was absolutely stunning hence a bit of sun burn after the two days and the atmosphere was equally as good. We sat in with the Barmy Army and cheered on the England boys, especially Monty (what a man)... We then went out on the Friday night in Wellington which was a bizaree evening to say the least, the memory is a bit foggy but me and Oli both distinctly remember Reilly throwing some terror shapes in the middle of a gay bar - don't ask!! There was also a few other shinans which we will keep on the dl. With about three hours sleep we got the bus up to Taupo.
We were pretty hungover all day in Taupo but did muster up the energy to go on a walk to see an awesome waterfall. On the way back we also jumped into some geothermally heated pools which were SO HOT! After Taupo we headed up to Rotoura where we did luging in the pouring rain. I've literally never been so wet in my life but it was a good laugh although admitedly pretty dangerous and I crashed a few times! Clearly not destined to be an F1 driver. In the evening we did this Maouri experience and we've got some great photos even though it was tipping it down. The hakas they did we so scary but it was a good laugh and the all you can eat buffet at the end went down a treat! It was still st paddys day when we got back about 11ish so needless to say we went out for a few drinks.
In Auckland we met up with the girls once more and also saw Ray who showed us around the city which was pretty sweet. We went laser questing and went out both nights in the uni bar next to our hostel. Overall it was amazing but we knew we'd probably spent far too much money! The next evening we slept at the airport and were pretty sad to leave New Zealand as we all loved it so much.
Two days ago we arrived in Cairns and the weather has been awful since, constant rain. Unfortunately its been a bit stressful as Reilly has found out he's ran out of money. We're not sure whats happening at the moment but think he may head to Asia for a month on his own and we will meet him after that?!?
Australia is going to be pretty expensive but today we are booking the bus all the way down, as well as a sailing tour round the Whitesundays, 4x4 driving on Fraser Island, and a kayaking trip in Noosa National Park amongst other things. We are off to the Daintree rainforest soon, so better get on! Speak soon, and hopefully see a few of you guys when we get out to Thailand xx
- comments
AJ Forgot to mention, Jimmy has arrived haha. Although after our first night out in Gilligans which turned into a big night he has pretty much slept the whole time! Jet-lag happens to the best of us...
Caitlin Glad you're having fun! Reilly try and stay! Can't wait to see you boys x