Gday Gday,
Just a quick blog to say that Im still alive and have just cooked my first meal in a communal kitchen! Now that is an experience! Neway, just had a chilled out day today, dint get up till 11 as really needed the sleep after the boat! We then went to the supermarket and got some sausages for the bbq at the park, there is also a lagoon here like in Cairns so we just chilled out there!
Getting on the bus early in the morning to the cattle station as its 11 hours to there and not looking forward to the journey, altho with oz bus they stop and take us places on the way and tomorrow we are barefoot lawn bowling! How random!
Really enjoying myself now and dont want the experience to end but am missing the good old home comforts like a bed minus the bed bugs and a shower that u dnt have to share with 10 other people! Again, very random!
Cal, if u want me to have a beetle for u to drive then u can buy me one! Give the doggies my hugs and tell them I miss them all.
Lots of love and hugs, Muffy xxxx
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