got the boat across to Ko Phi Phi which apart from Ko Lak, was the worst hit by the tsunami, its almost completely rebuilt now but you do get the sense its been quickly thrown up and there is still a large amount of construction. Phi Phi is two islands, Phi Phi Don where the toursism, diving etc is and Phi Phi Leh which is uninhabitated as was the setting for filming 'the beach'. In fact i think the pic i have used for this blog is the bay they used and they superimposed another rock in the gap to close it off. however, it looks nothing like above, it is nice but not that blue and full of broken coral so running or even walking in the sea is pretty painful and unless your a munchin getting your waist wet is pretty difficult but it is black moon time so i think the tides are all really low!
We took a sunset boat tour that went round Phi Phi Leh, went kayaking and snorkelling and then it dropped us off in one bay so swim ashore and go through a cave tunnel to get the the bay where the beach was filmed. the water was disgusting and full of sea lice which feels like your being stung when your swimming but everyone was up for it to get to the bay. We all set off swimming and then once everyone started screaming in pain the guy on the boat decided to tell us to swim to the left.(its a bit late now mate) there was a big strech of coral that pretty much broke the surface but you couldnt see it because the water was rancid. the current was really strong as well so we were like a group of beached whales getting stranded on all the sharp coral. i thought it was hilarious but i only cut my toe. there was a few not so happy legs and tummies!
The developed bit of Phi Phi is really nice actually, its a bit querky and has a real atmosphere. there are no mopeds or cars so all the streets are narrow and bustling but not crowded or noisy.
i went diving the next day, really good diving, the coral is nicer and there is more life than in koa toa so i was pretty pleased. saw a couple more turtles and a black tip reef shark.
the divemaster that took me down was a french canadian and she was 19 as well. she said shed not met many people our age so since i was with two other girls the same age i kinda said she could come for a drink with us and id introduce her to them. Went back to the diveshop later on to get her but she wasnt feeling well, on my way out i smacked my head on the tv and then got into the street and got run over by a bicycle. straight out of american pie it was, guy gets stood up and then makes a complete tit of himself on the way out. i was only trying to be nice! smooth as a cucumber joe!
i left Phi Phi this morning and got a boat to an island further south called Ko Lante, bit of a mistake really as we are just heading off to penang in Malaysia tomorrow and we have to leave at 8am. its a nice island though with some nice beaches but probably should have just gone straight to malaysia.
i think im going to be on my own again within a week or so as the people im with are doing the same route as me but in double the time so im going to have to speed off, hopefully that will all fall into place as thailand did but im in search of a malaysian lonely planet since i think theyll notice if i pinch theirs!
just to clarify a few things, yes my hair is ginger, it always has been unless the hairdresser gets their hands on it, i havnent died in ginger since being here as my dad seems to think!
They werent all ladyboys, some, infact most were real women so i dont need my eyes testing rach. i did also say that the jaws were less prominent in real life.
i am not burnt, the picture of me looking particulaly red was when id climbed up a mountain side in search of a non existent waterfall in 36 degree heat and 90% humidity. Thats just what happens to me when i excerise, you should have seen the even fatter me after cross country at school!
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