Got the bus down from Cairns to Townsville and then the boat across to magnetic island. its pretty nice but a bit quiet. theyve got loads of cool cars you can hire but of course, not in thailand anymore so got to be 21!
spent most of the time with a german guy called mat, almost thought we were related when he told me about his great uncle that moved to south africa when he was young, met a woman and stayed there for many years! he was called josef though so unless you changed your name uli i dont think it you!
the pasta diet has truly started now, cant afford to eat out all the time like in thailand etc so i have to use my culinary skills. so far ive tuna sweetcorn and pasta and raisin toast, nutritious and delicious!
we went horse riding which to be honest was pretty boring, i know i havent done it for years but jesus, id of liked more than a couple of trots and a canter on the most dosile animal ever! we did go in the sea though which was fun. got a good pic of me standing on its back in th sea! then we went to the koala sanctuary and i held one, they are pretty cute in all fairness!
the island is covered with animals and birds. there are wild koalas, saw a few kangaroos, wallabies, wierd birds and there were a few possums that i fed near the hostel, obviously worked out they can get food!
other than that, it was a pretty chilled out place, met a few more people to bump into further down the coast so all is good.
im stuck in townsville now waiting for my bus to airlie beach to do the whitsundays. its like a ghost town, boring as hell and ive got no money because nationwide are having problems with their atm system, perfect!
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