i got off the night bus and just wanted to find a bed, it was 5 in the morning, on my own and didnt have a clue what there was to do in KL. Got a taxi to chinatown where id worked out most of the guesthouse places are so rekoned that would me my best bet. as the taxi pulled up, i got swept off to a guesthouse by the owner with another english girl who after a few minutes relaised we'd already met in thailand, small world eh! he said i could have that night free since it was technically already the next day. i got up pretty early to be fair and found a cafe to sit and read the lonely planet in to work out what to do. Its a really nice city is KL, really modern yet kind of modern only in fancy dress because there is still alot of grime, broken pavements and the odd bad smell. its still a hell of a lot cleaner than bangkok and to be honest, litter wise, probably better than most of england. The CBD where the patronas towers etc. are is spotless.
i spent my first day wondering around and working out what to do, i was approached my a malay guy who just wanted to chat so had coffee with him, his daughter is moving to england to be a nurse so he was interested in englang etc.etc. i got my hair cut as well that afternoon, enough of the comments guys, come on, leave me alone! it was only a tenner for the senior stylist so i got it done at toni and gay, oops i mean guy. thats not all, i'll list a few shops, bodyshop, topshop/topman, tesco, marks and spencer, mak, zara, and there are loads of top designers stores as well, basically, everything sums up to KL being a pretty modern city. the even better thing is that there are loads of indpendent shops so i could buy some decent clothes that were cheap instead of Piesel t shirts and colvin kloin, i dont get it, why do they think people will pay more for something that is clearly fake than for something that isnt trying to be anything?
had the most amazing chinese meal that evening, china town truley comes alive at night, the street sellers are jammed down the main streets and there is a real atmosphere.
i relaise that they collar everyone but i swear i have mug written all over me. out of the five people in front and behind me, i was the one that got tugged at, leered at, touched, 'come look sir' they even tried to sell me handbags which im sure most of you will find more funny than suprising.
also, 95% of people, whether white, black, yellow or blue seem to think im swedish. so while dad might have given me claw hand, i think you've given me some scandanavian gene mum! who do you rekon i got the 'mug' gene off?
i was still more or less on my own at this point but then walking out of a bar i bumbed into a couple of people so went for a drink with them, after about an hour one of them called to some people across the road, turned out to be all people id bumped into a couplt of times in thailand and we didnt even realise, oops!
went up to the skybridge of the patronas twin towers that morning, they give 1400 ticvkets away each morning but you have to get there early, like 8 top half past, some crazy chinese people had been there since 6.10am. losers!
The two towers are identical, one was built by a japanese contractor and one by a korean and they had a race to finish i think, not sure who one though!
Patronas is the national oil and gas company, so one tower is their head quarters and the other is full of companies such as mitsubishi, microsoft and the al jazeera asian network! the skybridge connects the two towers at teh 42 floor, 172m i think. the buildings are 442m i think and were the tallest in teh world until taipai 101 was finsihed in 2003. they are still the tallest twin towers!
that afternoon we attempted to go to lake titiwangsa, went on the monorail which runs above the street level, got a bit lost, had to cross 8 lanes of traffic, got there and it thunderstormed. ive never been in a storm like it, a fork struck about three meteres away from us and the crack came before the light had even finishes it was that close. so we eneded up sat there for about 2 hours waiting for it to pass.
that night we went up the KL menara tower which isnt as big as the twin towers but since you can go to the top, its the highest view of the city. there is also a revolving restaraunt there so we puched the boat out and spent a whoel 30 squidder on the buffet including wine. the buffet was incredible, i had, soup with three chunks of bread, a plate of fish and salad inc mussels, oysters, salmon, sushi, then i had some potato curry, chicken and onion and all the trimmings. then i got side tracked by the dessert counter, ino point in trying to list all the foods, there was everything, oh yeah and then i cheese and buiscuits of course! there was also a malay food table, that had a whole sheep hanging up to pick meet off, they kind of look like greyhounds when they're skinned and cooked, i did think it was dog until i saw the sign but then again, they could be lying!
went to a kraft centre and tried my hand at batik so one lucky person will be receiving a J.Oller original as their travelling present!
spent my last afternoon in KL in a shopping centre again, but not just any shopping centre, its 13 stories high and from the fith floor up as a theme park complete with roller coaster in it! crazy. went to see the number 23 as well, the cinema and night buses are the only places you get cold in this part of the world. who's ever heard of putting a coat on for the pics, ridiculous! its a good film though.
went and had a few beers to help me sleep on the bus to singapore which was a ridiculous idea since all i wanted was the toilet! the bus station in KL was manic, its a public holiday this weekend but still, it was 10.30pm and it was busier than leeds station at rush hour. and again, pumping crazy tunes out...'when i come around' what? why? i dont understand!
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