Greetings from thailand sorry its taken me a while to write but its been super duper busy!
So i arrived in bangkok and was picked up ny our tour leader from thai intro and was taken to the hotel which was nice (i have a new found respect for air conditioning). the next day i met up with people and wondered around bangkok and sweated my body weight!! we went out that night and had buckets on koh san road. The following day i went on a boat trip to the river kwai, tiger temple, and the floating markets which was cool but very intense as we were carted off from one place to another. The floating markets were phenomenal as was the bridge over the river kwai,. Tiger temple was ok, all the tigers seemed drugged up so wasnt really nice, more sad then anything.
The next day our thai intro started and we were taken round temples in bangkok which was cool and went out for dinner once again. The following morning we went to the grand palace (amazing but very very hot) and packed up to take our overnight train to get to koh Phangan. The overnight train didnt have airconditioning and wasnt greatly comfertable so we all awoke the next morning feeling disgusting. We took the boat over to the island checked into our hotel and chilled out. That night we went to the half moon party which was absolutely amazing in the middle of the jungle.
The following morning we went on a boat trip around the island, saw some waterfalls and found nemo!! The day after this was similar as we were on another boat trip where we all caught the sun a little too much!
On our last day as a group we went elephant trekking which was really cool but once again kind of sad and then all had massages (amazing although i feel slightly bruised, these thai women are strong!!) and went to the bach to have a goodbye night out! The beach was cool as its where the fullmoon party is held so there were a lot of events involving fire! This mornign i checked out and have taken the boat to koh samui and checked into my hotel and have chilled out and walked about here!! Bangkok tomorrow for a night then off to qatar! cant wait!
Big kiss
- comments
kiki Hi irene. Wat doe je lekker allemaal veel. Strakjes als je terug bent lijkt het allemaal weer zo ver weg. Geen last gehad van de problemen in Bangkok? Maar dat zal wel aan een andere kant zijn. Veel plezier in Qatar!! xxxxxx
Simone Ireneetje! Sorry to hear the tiger temple was not as hoped, I had heard that from someone else too. I remember the Thai massages as being deadly but bruises were avoided! Enjoy the last day of Thailand and have a blast in Qatar! Can't wait to have you back! Lots of love
mommy ietje wat klinkt het allemaal leuk. en wat heb je ontzettend veel gedaan. nog even genieten en dan naar Doha. Wie komt je ophalen van het vliegtuig, heb je dat geregeld trouwens? Dikke zoen mama
Simone and by the way, airconditioning is overrated! you sweat more because of it, a-climatise mate! ;)