It is so true that everyone loves Byron. It's just the perfect spot to be. Great diving, awesome surf, beaches, weather, people, pubs, clubs... The list goes on. After a week I feel like this is my home.
I got to know Byron the usual way. First night I saw the nightlife, the second day I was revitalising at the beach and then I experienced the sunrise at the lighthouse pictured. It was a fantastic show! You will see pictures later. I woke up at 5am, walked half an hour to the lighthouse, saw the sunrise, went surfing with dolphins in the morning and then straight off to start my diving course. I had a fantastic day!
The PADI open water diving course took up my next four days - and was totally worth it! We had our first proper dive already on the second day, and oh my god the fish I saw at Julian Rocks! Big snapper, manta rays, leopard shark, big turtles... I'd love to stay under water for hours! We did theory in a classroom and then practised skills in a pool and then completed them in the sea. You can only imagine how I felt being 16 meters deep in the middle of all these fish and taking off my mask and putting it back on and clearing it. After every dive I just felt so good! More more more...!! Our instructor Chris was the best teacher: calm, funny and very clear in his instructions. My overall experience of the course was mindblowing!
Yesterday was the first day again in a while that I didnt have to do anything and I must say, I was a bit lost. No worries though, I managed to squeeze myself in to perform with Ray ( at the Backpackers Inn! We had a great night. And in the morning I was up for a suprise.... for Marie told me she just arrived to Byron Bay. It is so good seeing her again after a month! We went to the beach and now we are getting ready to go watch Lisa Hunt at the Beach Hotel. It's going to be a great gig with lots of dancing!
Tomorrow Im leaving to the Gold Coast ( even though I was supposed to leave today, but since Marie came I postponed my departure) and hope to surf more. Before leaving Byron, Im going to visit Nimbin with Marie.. That is going to be an amazing tour with the waterfalls, hidden lakes and the ultimate hippie town Nimbin itself.
I love my life!
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