Monday the 22 August for about a week almost totally off grid at Lake Haliburton in the Algonquin Highlands in a rustic cottage in the woods. Water for taps and sanitation is drawn directly from the lake, heating is by a wood burner in the centre of the one open room. There is electricity for the fridge freezer, stove, kettle etc but no phone signal, no Wi-Fi, no Tv, no radio - just awesome scenery and wildlife aplenty.
Tree cover is generally primary canopy and mostly broadleaves with some Pines. Pines near the cottage cling resolutely to the sand banks above the lake, exposed roots are gnarled and tangled seeking some tenure against the wind, weather and erosion.
Some Broadleaves are just starting to turn - Sumac and Maple have the first tints of red amongst the green on the outer most leaves. Oaks are assuming golden hues where the sun hits the high canopy first. Poplar remains steadfastly matte green, leaves fluttering like castanets to show the silvery undersides that shine like snow - a portent of the winter to come.
The lake water is clean and clear running in endless laps over washed alluvial stones and pebbles made up of sandstone, granites, quartzite, jasper, feldspar, gneiss and other sedimentary rocks in varying sizes and shapes. There may also be brecciated marble - the underlying geology suggests this should be present. Sands on the lake shore are silica rich and include black sands suggesting basalt or other volcanic actions.
Winds run across the lake in varying intensities from breeze to dry squall. Weather patterns move swiftly in the winds and and can be up to 3 and 5 weather patterns all vying for dominance. Cloud groups range from cirrus, stratus to cumulus - so far! Loons gather in singles and small flocks diving for food or flying close to the water surface in rapid flight on arches wings. Early morning and evening Loons calling across the water is a haunting sound and so typical of northern Ontario.
Some wildlife notes:
Wood mouse - Tuesday and Wednesday night
Loon - flocks and singles - daily
Blue Jays - daily
Humming birds - Wednesday at CCs ice cream parlour run by Candy and Carl - Candy feeds them, Fort Irwin
Bank Vole burrows - in sandy embankments beneath the dock
Red Tailed Eagles - daily, they are the equivalent of UK Buzzard
Bald Eagle and dipper - Nottawasaga River
Bird - possible Owl that calls like the start of a wolf howl
Crow - daily
Ravens - daily
Deer x3 - near Lake Haliburton
Dragonflies - huge ones on the Lake and Minden Marshes
Gulls - on the lake
Chickadee - on the lake in singles and flocks
Canada geese - all over! loafing and in migrating flocks
Bullfrog - at the cottage eating mozzies I hope!
Baby toadlettes - Minden Marshes
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