India for me is best described in Shantaram, a popular book among travellers. A recount about the infamous life of a gangster in Mumbai. It refers to surrendering in India and It's right, You do have to surrender.
You surrender when you know your paying over the odds for something, suddenly realising 'what's a couple of quid anyway'. You surrender when the room you paid for has a century worth of mould festering on the walls and announce 'yeah, we'll take it'. You surrender to the bus journeys that are never on time. You occasionally surrender to the children on the streets begging for food or money, as soon as you give to one, your instantly surrounded by 20 and at the mercy of all of them. Until eventually, your brought to your knees. from here you can marvel at all the things that were worth surrendering for, The jungles, the beaches, the temples, the cities, the mountains, the ghats, the saris, the holy cow. The affectionate head bob, A tilt to the left, a tilt to right
Are they saying they know, are they saying they might?
Love India, hate India, but you can never imitate India.
1.2 billion people
28 states
36,000,000 Hindu gods
540 cups of chai consumed
326 detailed conversations about bowel movements
170 hours on public transport
267 Indians who snapped a pic of us
16 days of separation
2 girls
1 adventure
India. It's been a pleasure
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