hey hey, we have completed the first leg of our journey... mega bus to London- not so pleasant for the bum's!!!!! We are now living it up in Richmond/mortlake staying with Rose's godmother. The day in London was good we had lunch in fortmuns and mason, which was stylish and classy, so pretty impressed with that! Thanks to Rose's Daddy for taking us out.
The highlight of the day was not the free diary's at the exchange bureau but Inga losing her shoe whilst we ran across the road whilst the red man was on! So we retrived the shoe and sprinted back to the safe side, close shave!!! then inga decided to punch a poor old man in the face due to the excitment of seeing the bank of scotland, it was apparently not on purpose, i(rose) think she was just flirting with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! however he was way out of her league(by 40 years)!
((Rose Fails to mention her extravogent excitement at seeing a man in a yellow jacket (she explained this too me at full volume on the megabus, only to realise he was sitting right behind us) very funny... but it did not stop there, she spent a good 20 minutes chasing a metropolentan policeman around the national art gallery, considering the best way to get a photo of him!))
After our fun-filled afternoon it was time to discover the streets of London, and realised how useful monopoly can be!!! We met up with the AMazIng Lizzy Forbees for a catch up and goodbye on the fashionable Oxford street. (glad to hear she is loving spending her time disecting sheep????)
Huge thanks go to Penny and Chris for having us to stay and the great food and company they provided! =)
Hong Kong tomorrow... bit of an early start but totaly wicked! infact according to Rose, the highlight of the entire trip -- Rose say's " Inga, it's AMAZING we are going to get personal t.v screens where we can watch all movies we want, we get toothpaste and toothbrush"
Penny say's " rose, you are rather easily entertained... but im intrigued, so u better text to let me know if you get them"
but now i (rose) must go to bed and inga needs to go through her mountain/bag and decide if everything is essential, Rose WILL BE SUPERVISING!
i (Inga) am very worried that my straightners wont get through 'Rose controll', let alone passport control..!!!!!!
So goodnight we are off for some much needed beauty sleep!!!!
Love you xox
- comments
Ingasmumanddad Brilliant... we had a great laugh. 5 stars for content but you both need to consult a dictionary for spelling!Love xxxx
Klie-German Oh you girls are too funny! I hope you have an amazing time, although I'm sure you will :) Much much love and bon voyage!!! xOxOxOxOx
Hamish & Lorna Loving the blog! ? amazing banter! :-) Really hope you got your mini TV screens as promised & Inga managed to save her straighteners! Will definitely be watching this space? Take care girls!!! Enjoy.
Lili Bird Aaah you guys have left! GOOD LUCK. Have an awesome time and don't get lost. If you find the food gross I've heard there is a Macy D's round the corner of every street. lots and lots of love XXX
Rachel Curry i love the personal tv screens! long-haul flights are the best! did you laugh out loud watching a comedy and get funny looks from fellow passangers??? hope hong kong is a rave love you rose! ruby xx ps are you proud i managed to figure out how to use this blogging thing?