In Transit
About Alexandra
I just want to say a great big thank you to all those beautiful people I met on the road, and those at home, without whom I never would have made it to the end of (or maybe even started) my journey. You were my springboards and my guiding lights, even if we didn't speak the same language. I feel truly bless…
I graduated from the University of Windsor in 2013 with an Honours BA in English Literature and Creative Writing with a minor in Classical Studies. My greatest loves in life are horses, travel and food, three interests which permeate my writing frequently. My parents took me on my first overseas trip to France at the age of eight, and since then I have travelled on both pleasure and international volunteer trips to Amsterdam, Switzerland, Ghana, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Mexi…
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Heraklion, Greece
Alabaster Bones
"Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation." - Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat Pray Love)
Once upon a time, a mighty king - or maybe a queen - ruled over Crete from a shining p…

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Crikvenica, Croatia
The Pack
"I woke up one morning thinking about wolves and realized that wolf packs function as families. Everyone has a role, and if you act within the parameters of your role, the whole pack …

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Essex County, Ontario
I just want to say a great big thank you to all those beautiful people I met on the road, and those at home, without whom I never would have made it to the end of (…

Album updated
Arizona, Arizona

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Sedona, Arizona
End of the Trail
*Author's Note: Some extras and maybe an epilogue still to come.
"Somewhere ages and ages hence: two roads diverged in a wood and I- I took the one less travelled by, and that…
- last visited

- travel plan
- Rome, Italy
- Pula, Croatia
- Athens, Greece
- Cusco, Peru
- Flagstaff, Arizona
Mama The mama.?
re: Road Trip To Flagstaff With The Mamajulie I truly feel like I am on this journey with you...your words are so descriptive and vivid.What a wonderful gift you have given to all of us. love Julie xox
re: Days 3 & 4: A Thousand And One Uses For Toilet PaperDad I am amazed, afraid and proud all in one. I am in awe of what you are experiencing and accomplishing. Come home safe and soon. love Dad
re: Days 3 & 4: A Thousand And One Uses For Toilet Paperjulie your beauty radiates from within and shows in your mesmerizing smile and your sparkling will always be beautiful no matter what clothes you are wearing!!!LOL!
re: Inca Terraces Near Urubambajulie Wow, I am so excited to hear what you discover on your next adventure ! love and hugs, julie
re: How To Make an Idiot of Yourself in a Peruvian Restaurantmeaghan Love you soooo much! Glad you arrived safely. And can't wait to see your smiling face for real. Muah. Xoxo
re: Check-Out Timejulie Hey, I'm enjoying your travels so much...glad you are recognizing people/places to be aware of and so happy the oregano oil is working out's been a godsend to me. We went to London on the weekend to my Teachers' College 50th reunion. Here I thought I was only 50 yrs old so I think someone made a did that happen!!!!?? I spent time with my friends from high school and we laughed about the fun we had and the silly things we did .So glad you don't do some of the same things LOL. I was amazed at how many of them didn't stay in teaching. Sam had a great time...met so many people who had friends in common with him. Stay safe, my sweet! love you Julie
re: Athens: Making People Homicidal Since 3000BCDad that's my shop like your Dad. haha
re: Athens: Making People Homicidal Since 3000BCMom Unbelievable Alex. What another beautiful read. You are truly amazing. I feel like I know a famous author.
re: "Look But Don't Touch"julie dragich Well, my Dear, I am reliving our visits to Europe through your colourful tales and wish I was there with you . Greece was my favourite place on our trips but each place holds special memories . I'm not surprised that the Greek men stared at are so gorgeous! I laughed when you said you checked for your wallet after the girl! Stay you. Julie
re: "Always Smile"Zio another awsome read, Grazie bellina, i remember bringing back a bottle of olive oil my uncle gave me in italia, well need i say when i went to get it from the over head storage on the plane, it had exploded to the point that the whole compartment was oiled never to rust, heheheheh, ti amo
re: Alabaster BonesMom Oh Alex did I ever enjoy that!!!
re: "Always Smile"Zio Awsome read today, even got a few smiles, your amazing
re: "Always Smile"Mom Hysterical!!!
re: Sanctuary