Bangkok, Thailand Nov 7, 2018 I’ve made it. Too many hours of travel for this tired brain to do the math on. I’m here and it’s hot and wild. The weather and the driving silly minds.
Calgary, Alberta Nov 5, 2018 IT BEGINS. How the donkey will travel. It started snowing today. So I said suck it snow I’m going to find me some not snow. Ya. Thank you for all the well wishes. Except for that one person who thought I went down in smoke already in Jakarta. She means well. I’m still alive and ready to trade these snowshoes into some Asian mukluks. About to jump the pond wings first.
Calgary, Alberta Sep 29, 2018 Last night with this lady. One slot first change the kite strings and then the traffic was supposed to left turn into the marina but gladly sang the purple priestess now no one passes.