Hi all, it looks like the only time to write this blog is when we are travelling. Right now we are on train to Ho Chi Minh City aka Saigon. So what happened in last 5 days? The last blog I was finishing in train to Hue, where we visited the old citadel and one of the emperor's tomb. Hue is on of the oldest city in Vietnam, so you would think there is a lot to see, well you'll be mistaken as we were, I mean there is stuff to see, but it's not in Hue rather in 20km distance from the city. The first day we went to the Old Citadel, where the emperor lived. Apart of the citadel being half destroyed by American's bombs, the place is quite impressive. The next day we planned to rent a motorbike and go to see the tombs, which according to some website are like 3km away from the city, but the locals said is more like 10km, now who is right. On the end we decided to not rent the motorbike a go for it on foot. Well what to say after 2.5 hours walking in scorching hot weather we were …....... you guessed it still not there :-( another 30min and what a relive to meet another walking fella who finally confirmed that the tomb is only 300m , hurray hurray . On the way in the tomb local guy on motorbike approached us, offering his service, we knew we are not going to walk back. After seeing the huge tomb, I tried negotiate the price for the motorbikes I've managed to knock off a dollar, not the best deal, but those guys were the only once there, so I didn't want them to leave. We asked them to take us to fighting arena ( apparently tigers and elephant used to fight there ). I tell you on the web someone gave it 4 out of 5 stars, what a w***er who did that !! . after 10min on bike we arrived in the middle of two villages where was this arena and by arena I mean 10m high brick wall, with 1m high grass in the middle the arena was closed and seemed to be for a loooooonngg time, what a waste. Quite pissed we ask the guys to drop us in the city. On the end it cost us the same price as renting motorbike for the whole day, well what to say more. I the afternoon we start heading for the train station as we were leaving to Nha ~Trang, which was our chosen location for our diving. This time we couldn't get ourself a soft sleep bed, so we want for the hard bed, we expected to be in room with Vietnamese guys as the hard bed is very popular overnight choice for Vietnamese a it much cheaper than soft bad and we were right upon the cabin entry we was a family with a child and oldish lady. This cabin had 6 beds and we had the upper once and apart to have like 60cm between the bed and the ceiling it was good choice as we could store our backpacks at the top close to us. After playing a little bit of DS we went sleep. We woke up into very hot day in Nha Trang.
Zdravicko, tak to vypada ze jediny cas na psani blogu mam kdyz se presouvame mezi mesty. Zrovna ted jsme ve vlaku, ktery ma sice 1.5 hodiny spozdeni ale aspon jsme v nem a okolo 21 by jsme meli dorazit do Ho Chi Minh City neboli Saigon. Jestli si kladete otazku co se udalo v poslednich 5 dnech tady rekapitulace. Posledni blog jsem psal kdyz jsme prijizdeli do Hue, ktere je velmi stare mesto a tim padem by clovek myslel ze tam bude hodne co prozkoumavat, ale bohuzel neni, teda on je ale vse tak min 20km od mesta, jedina vec primo v Hue je Old Citadel, kde prebyval cisar a jeho nejbizsi. Na tuhle citadelu jsme se vrhli hned odpoledne, je to docela zajimavy komplex az na to ze ho amerikani z pulky zborili pri vietnamske valce. Dalsi den jsme chteli pujcit skutra, a jit se podivat na hrobky cisaru. Jelikoz na internetu rikali ze je to tak 3km z mesta, ale podle domacich tak 10km skutr znel jako dobra volba. No vecer jsme jeste premysleli a jelikoz jsme meli volno az do 18 do vecera tak jsme si rekli ze to pujdem pesky. Rano jsme se vydali na cesty. A cesta to byla dlouha, krome toho ze nas malem okradli male deti u kostela kde jsme si chteli dat prestavku jest ananasa z(najpv sa spytali ci si mozu zobrat vodu a potom jasne ze chceli este po dolari :D), to docela slo teda slo to prvni 2.5 hodiny, uz byla nejaka 12 hodina a na nebi ani mracek a my stale ne v cily. Jako to pak bylo uleveni kdyz jsme potkali jednoho chlapka co to taky sel pesky a rekl nam ze je to uz jen 300m hura hura. Na ceste dovnitr se k nam prifaril chlapek na motorce jestli nechceme nekam svest, my uz jsme vedeli za na zpet to pesky nedame tak jsem rekli ze uvidime jak vylezeme z hrobky. Cela hrobka byla jako mala vesnice, po shlednuti hrobky, jsme se vratili ke v chodu kde uz nedockave cekal chlapek s motorkou. Zkousel jsem trochu ukecat cenu, no zvladl jsme dolar, ale nechtel jsem ho moc provokovat aby neodjel a my nakonec nemuseli pesky. Rekli jsme jim at nas vezmou k arena kde pred davnymi casy bojovali tigri se slony, Na internetu tomu dali 4 z 5 hvezdicek, ale co za idiota to musel by to vazne nechapu. Po deseti miniutach na motorkach jsme dorazili mezi dve vesnice uprostred niceho a tam to stalo, byla tam arena, mela 10m vyskou zdenou zed za zdi asi 1m vysoka trava a nikde ani zivacka. Arena byla zavrena a vypadalo to ze uz pekne dlohou dobu. Docela nasrani jsme se nachali odvest zpet do mesta. Na konec nas ten vylet stalo to same jak si pujcit motorku na cely den, co k tomu dodat ;-) Odpoledne jsme se vydali na cestu na nadrazi odkud nam okolo 20 jel vlak do Nha Trang, nase cilove misto na relax a potapeni. Bohuzel jsme nesehnali listky do mekke postele, tak jsme byli nuceni vzit tvrdou postel, jestli nekdo premysli jaky je rozdil, mekka ma madraci 10cm tlustou a jsou 4 postele v kabine, tvrda na 0.1cm tlustou madraci a je tam 6 posteli v kabina na trech patrech, mi jsme sehnali postele na tretim patre, coz nakonec bylo docela ok, jelikoz tam byl ulozny prostor takze jsme meli kam dat veci a mit knim blizko. Zapomel jsem dodat ze hard bed je z 90% vykoupen vietnamci takze jsme ocekavali noc z domorodci :-) a byla to pravda jakmile jsme vkrocili do kabiny , byla tam vietnamska rodinka s ditetem a pak jeste starsi vietnamka ktera se jen vyskrabala na druhe patro a hned sla spat. U nas na tretim to bylo docela ok az na to misto mezi posteli a stropem bylo tak 60cm, no jednu noc to dame. Zahral jsme si trocha nintenda a sel jsem spat. Probudili jsme se do dalsiho velmi slunecneho a horkeho dne v Nha Trang.
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