Good work Olie the phoyographer!
Hi Matthew water boy!
In store 10:30 to 2 Mon & Wed.Happy Birthday 30th Ilana and 1st Olie
Love M&D
Thanks for all the messages. It has been fantastic so far. Hard to pick a favorite, but the camp ground in the South of France had something for all of us. The pools and friends to play with for Matthew and Oliver. Beaches and a national park with hills to run and ride on for Geoff and good food and wine and a reasonably priced day spa for me! I can really see the attraction for Dom's Mum living near Saint Raphael.
Hi, Dom's Mum used to live about 10 minutes from St Raphael. it's a really nice spot are you going for a drive to Monaco... it's not far.
Harry Smith
"Hi Matthew, you're cool and you're nice to me when I had a sleepover at your house. You're my friend at school and you play with me and Thomas Wheeler a lot. Your holiday looks coolio. Awesome pool. You're very nice because you lend us these pictures. I miss you Matthew. Love Harry"
Hi, what a great trip. How cool to see the bike riders. Wasn't you guys that threw the tacks on the road was it!! Ground hog day here.
More great experiences for all especiall Matthew and Olie. Missing hearing from them just what they make of it all.
Trip looks great! Bringing back lots of memories!!! x
Hi Over at the store and logged on via gmail [email protected]. This will be our address from now. Mother in hospital but OK. Dan digging hole today. Your photos are realy great. Kids seem very happy too. Keep up the blog, it is great.