After going to church at 8 am to a beautiful cathedral called Our Lady of the Rosary in Richard street Vancouver, dad and I walked to Canada Place.
This is where we will be catching our boat for the Alaska Cruise we had lunch at an Italian cafe called cafe Roma, while the waiter & waitress were not Asian I don't thing they even knew where Rome is on the map.
After lunch dad wanted to go and see the locomotive that has been restored in the round house, this locomotive was the first transcontinental passenger train to link the nation of Canada, it arrived in the streets of Vancouver on May 23 rd1887 CPR engine 374 linking the nation from coast to coast.
We walked to an area called Yale town, where we walked down a street that appeared to have a street market, well that is when the fun began as we were walking further into the street we began to notice quite a few dogs, especially "Bulldogs" further and further the dogs were more apparent, well you can imagine how funny it was to see dad (John) walking passed these dogs, some in baskets some in hand bags also some in baby strollers you know the one I mean, one wheel at the front and two wheels at the rear - red in colour and with a see through cover.
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