On the evening of Thursday 28th of May, I walked into the dining room to see the suitcases of what appeared to be a group of 10 people leaving on vacation.It didn´t looklike 2 people who would be going on a 3 month Motorcycle trip. Where werethey going to have all this luggage.I quickly shut the door and went to bed, hoping that this might go away by the morning. It was going to be a busy day tomorrow. That didn´t matter so much because we were both on vacation for the next three months. Still having trouble believing it.
Friday morning on the first day of our vacation, we finished our coffee and went downtown to do the last bit of shopping for our trip. It was a beautiful sunny day. We packed up all of Tilde´s things and drove them out to Karen M´s mother who was to look after the dog until we returned home. Had a nice visit and said our goodbyes and then returned home to close our suitcases for the final time.At 14:45,Martin and the kids came and drove us to the train station to catch the 15:07 train to Copenhagen.At 3 o´clock we said good bye to them and it was a matter of minutes now before the train left the station.Well, thats what we thought. At 15:40 there was an announcement that the trainwould be delayed because the brakes were stuck and the train could not move.A half our later , they recomended that we take the train from the from the nearby track which was also going to Copenhagen.We then dragged our luggage onto the next train. The train was filled with people and we were told that if we wanted to be garanteed a seat, we should return to the train we just came from and hope the fix the problem.We had no desire to stand up the 2hrs and 10minutes so we returned to the original train once again. Luggage and all.My arms are now 6.5cm longer.
The train enventually did leave, 1hr and 45minutes late. Good start to a trip. We arrived in Copenhagen at around 19:00 hrs. Found our way to the taxi and 10 minutes later wearrived at our loaned apartment in Copenhagen. It was a very charming apartment in the old area of Fredericksberg. We deciced or was it me. To have a few beers before finding a place to eat dinner. We decided to have Take Away and bring it back to our temporary home and eat on the balcony. Lovely ending to a lovely start of our trip.
The next morning , the alarm went off at 4:30 and we had 45 minutes before the taxi´s waiting, and blowing his horn, already I´m so lonesome I could… wait a minute, good song but it doesn´t belong here. We arrived at the airport just in time and before we knew it , our bags were checked and we were off looking for a cup of coffee.
The flight was on time and then we were in Heathrow airport. Very very thorough inspection of both us and our luggage. Shoes were inspected as well. All they found was the pair of scissors. I guess my haircut has been cancelled when I get over there.Our flight from Heathrow on British Airways was one of the most pleasant flights we´ve had for a long time. They were so kind and helpful. When the time comes, we will look forward to the return trip, but not before.
We were picked up at the airport by my Uncle Omie and my Aunt Bessie.Luckely we did find the car and we drove back to my aunts to spend a few days with her.
Slept amazing on her wonderful hard bed. Gotta get one of those when we get home. She explained to me is was that way because the bed wasn´t getting much action.It didn´t get any action that night either.The following days were spent with family waiting for the bike to be picked up on Monday.Still can´tbelieve it true.
Monday morning I phoned Debbie at AWF forwarding to hear if she heard anything about my bike. She said she has the papers and we can come at get them and then run them down to customs to get the papers stamped so the bike can be released. When we arrived at the office ( 70 km´s from home) she was so sorry to tell us that she recieved a fax from the shipper which said that the bike would not be available before Wednesday. She wanted to call but had no telephone number to reach me.I took it very calmly only because nothing can surprise me anymore. We took the papers and drove back home agian in our borrowed truck. Oh yes, it was my brother in law Bill who did he driving. He took it also very well. Didn´t even try to shoot me.
Tuesday morning, we relaxed around the house, did some shopping for our trip and had a few beers.The day went very quickly and before we knew it we were off to bed. We had a busy day tomorrow. We´re going to pick up my bike.
We arrived at customs at 10:30 at the airport, stood in line and waited for our turn with the Customs Agent. A very big man by the name of Peter, called us to the front.We presented him with the papers and all of a sudden he had a million questions for us.
Who did you buy the bike from ?When was it bought ? Where did the bike come from ? Wherewas it made ? How long will you be here ? BlaaBlaa Blaa Blaa.I got a little nervous when he started to check if the bike was at all able to enter the country. All the while he´s saying to us…We´re getting a little closer, please bare with me.
Finally he says he will give me a 3 month permit but before this the bike will have to be inspected for dirt by customs officials. This could take 24 to 48 hrs. We tried explaining to him that we´ve come 80 kms to get her today .It´s our second time driving down here to get the bike with our borrowed truck.He was nice enough to say that he would check with the inspector to see if he could do it today. If it didn´t pass the inspection, we would be given a list of names of companies who could clean the bike which could also take a couple of days. My first thoughts were… We´ll never get this trip on the road.He came back a few minutes later to say that it will be finished at 3 o´clock.
At 15:20,the customs officer came and said the bike passed the inspection and we could get the stamp of approval , pay the lady and then drive to the warehouse and pick up the bike. We had 40 minutes to get the bike before the place closed.Got to 5 star terminals at 15:45 and handed over the papers to the company to release the bike.She then informed me that the bike could´nt be released because Shipco had not received money from Awf Forwarding. I could pay them myself but by the time I did that, they would be closed. She was very sorry butthats the way it was.
I phoned my friend at AWF Forwarding andafter a few minutes, she paid everyone who wanted money and the bike brought out of the warehouse and into the parking lot.I finally got my bike. It was all mine !!!!
Its now sitting in my sisters garage, ready to put the new hardbags on. What problems lay ahead here.Right now I think I´ll grab a cold beer and not Worry… be Happy.
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