HuHa in Australia
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Albertslund, Denmark

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The Rocks, New South Wales

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Biggera Waters, Queensland

New blog entry posted
The Rocks, New South Wales

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Katoomba, New South Wales
Christine Voss Hi Mette, welcome back to Denmark :-) Well, what should I say - 2 weeks and I will be in Cairns. Your long-stay report really encourages me to my 5 weeks adventure that lies ahead of me, and I really hope that we will be able to catch up sometime, maybe sitting together in a quite corner (lol-if that is ever possible) and exchanging the "must-dos" and "must-sees" of our stays.
re: Home sweet home, car still too old and too small...anna Hej ven Hvordan har du det? Gæt fint. Først, mit navn er Anna, jeg er ung flot pige, art og friendly.Well jeg kom igennem din profil, og jeg besluttede at droppe dig en note.Meanwhile kan du skrive mig noget mere om dig selv, mens jeg komme tilbage på dig herunder mit billede? Kontakte mig via min private adresse. Har en meget dejlig dag. Tak, anna ([email protected]) kysser med kærlighed og tillid
re: Home sweet home, car still too old and too small...Naveen To begin with, I would like to thanks in the stllaer as well as informative access. I will have to acknowledge which often, We have not heard concerning this information. We now have observed quite a few new information with regard to cause. Many thanks a lot for providing this effective as well as interesting information. We're waiting around pertaining to other thrilling posts due to you from the nearest long term.
re: Things I love about Australia - and things we miss about homeMandy THE BIG REVEAL!Not like a lot of us didn't realize what was going on, but still. Definitely an OH SNAP momnet for Meela. XDNow the question is, why DID he look like her? AND, is he actually talking to her now, or is she sort of conversing with Feral's subconscious/inner child?
re: Just another day on parental leaveAyumi Streak: Just to let you know I won't be quitting on Mecha Madness. I'm just done with MMF2. When I find somiehtng good enough to move MM to, I'll update yous guys.Он сказал, что бросает MMF2 и будет искать что-то получше, значт проект всё-таки останется жив. Фух, я уж перепугался. Очень жаль, что много проделанной работы потеряно
re: Tropical thunder stormNaomi Ball I am so, so happy for all of you, that it all worked out so beautifully. Truly the trip of a lifetime, and one you and your boys will never forget. I feel privileged to have shared it with you! Big hugs to all of you. We miss you, but are happy that you're home, safe and sound.
re: Home sweet home, car still too old and too small...Lene Bech Jensen Hej Mette. Hvor er den en fin blog. I er simpelthen en imponerende overskudsfamilie, som formår at nyde livet!! Vi savner jer og er selvfølgelig dybt misundelige. Mange kærlige hilsner og tanker fra Lene og co.
re: Lady Elliot - a (long) story of adventures on the ReefClara probably you are indeed close to being the luckiest 38 year old in the world!! Happy Birthday to you - with love from all of us and some days delayed.
re: Happy birthday to meCharlotte Appel Hej Mette og Co. Uh hvor det lyder dejligt. Vi smører også ind her, men det er i en fed creme, så babykinderne og hænderne ikke bliver mere ru end de er i forvejen:-) Ellers planlægger vi bryllup - og nu er tøjet på plads. Mmmmmmm skal da vist ha`lokket Anders med på en tur under næste barsel (hvis en sådan skulle blve til noget). Hyg jer. Knus Charlotte
re: Just another day on parental leaveLærke Grove Hej Mette & co. Det lyder rasende lækkert ..........og varmt. I DK frøs det 20 grader i nat så jeg er ikke spor missundelig. Knuzzz til dig og dine drenge
re: Just another day on parental leaveClara Hej med jer, hvor lyder det bare så dejligt. prøv at efterlade en stor kanguru steack på terrassen om aften, og kig fra altanen hvilke mærkelige dyr lurer i buskene.... her fryser vi bare så meget, dejligt solskin vintervejr! Stor kram Clara
re: Just another day on parental leaveBritta Hej med jer. Ihhhh hvor lyder det bare fantastisk. Har forsøgt at skrive før på bloggen men det gik vist ikke igennem. tusind takfor chokoladen og bogen. Det var overhovedet ikke nødvendigt for jeg hjælper gerne, men jeg blev glad. Herhjemme er der "kulde- rekord". I morges var der minus 15 gwerader, men det er utroligt flot med blå himmel og solskin. Jeg er på vej til Kbh på weekend-seminar med arbejdet. Elsker at følge med på bloggen. Have fun! Knus fra Britta
re: Just another day on parental leave- last visited

- travel plan
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- Tewantin, Queensland
- Brisbane, Queensland
- Gold Coast, Queensland
- Murwillumbah, New South Wales
- Yamba, New South Wales
- Port Macquarie, New South Wales
- Katoomba, New South Wales
- Sydney, New South Wales
Naomi Ball I am so, so happy for all of you, that it all worked out so beautifully. Truly the trip of a lifetime, and one you and your boys will never forget. I feel privileged to have shared it with you! Big hugs to all of you. We miss you, but are happy that you're home, safe and sound.
anna Hej ven Hvordan har du det? Gæt fint. Først, mit navn er Anna, jeg er ung flot pige, art og friendly.Well jeg kom igennem din profil, og jeg besluttede at droppe dig en note.Meanwhile kan du skrive mig noget mere om dig selv, mens jeg komme tilbage på dig herunder mit billede? Kontakte mig via min private adresse. Har en meget dejlig dag. Tak, anna ([email protected]) kysser med kærlighed og tillid
Christine Voss Hi Mette, welcome back to Denmark :-) Well, what should I say - 2 weeks and I will be in Cairns. Your long-stay report really encourages me to my 5 weeks adventure that lies ahead of me, and I really hope that we will be able to catch up sometime, maybe sitting together in a quite corner (lol-if that is ever possible) and exchanging the "must-dos" and "must-sees" of our stays.