Hi to everyone who reads this message board. I am Daves mum and if you e mail me on [email protected] I will give you details of the facebook site. Dave is using this one more and has updated it with all his pics and recent news. He is now in Bangkok and is travelling down to the islands on Wednesday. Look forward to your messages. Sue.
Hello everyone. I've managed to upload 100 pics on the www.facebook.com Pleae feel free to join up. Give my lovely mum a call for directions on how to set youselves up on it
Hi Dave, how's it going. Great message board, I can see everything that everyone says. So you've ran out of money already !! Spent all your redundancy !! I also see you didn't finish painting the front of your house - hilarious ! I can't believe Mia is old enough for pre-school, I bet you are missing her and her little sister aren't you.
So how's the trip going then? Are you keeping quiet as you are holed up in a delhi hospital somewhere with delhi belly or are you half way up Everest!
I am still prepping for my trip but first I have one week in Holland and another two in France before I even start my World tour. Am still keeping busy but trying to meet up with friends as well. Sue started at BBH on Monday, sounds like a whole life away doesn't it. Have you got any great travelling tips you want to share.
Anyway take care and keep in touch.
Hi Dave I hope everything is ok and you recieved the money transfer to your account. I hope I took it from the correct account! Let me know when you check your messages. Well how is Delhi? Have the monsoons started yet? I checked the weather and it seems that you still have very dry hot and sunny conditions at the moment. I am going round to say farewell to Jennifer on Friday night she starts her travels on Mondat the 11th June. They are having a bbq but the forecast is thunderstorms! Anyway not to worry she probably won't remember any of it. Please send some pics on as I cant wait to see where you are staying, and are you using this website all the time? I see Micky and Bev have sent a message as well as Vicky. Take care of yourself and enjoy the moment. Love to Veli from his Mum she is really missing him. Speak to you soon and please keep in touch Love you lots Mum xxx
Bev And Micky
Hi Dave
Hope you arruved safe and sound, don't forget to post some pics especially of the palaces.
Enjoy yourself and take care.
Bev and Micky
Hi Dave,
just a quickie to say hello and wondering how you are getting on?. Whats it like there?
Can't wait to see some pics, so email me when you start sending them.
Mia started pre-school on tuesday, she really enjoyed it , didn't cry and painted a picture, she even told me it was
relly noisy.
Take care, Vicky xxx
ps mum sends her love, and says that Joe has finished the front. It looks great.