Hey Ryan, looks like your having a wicked time, I'm soooo jealous!lol Hope your both ok, enjoy yourslef and take care, keep in touch Love xHx
Hi Ya Ryan & Fee
Glad you arrived safe'ly, it looks stunning some of the pictures are unreal Im so jealous as im sure many people are & its good you are having such a great time & enjoying it so much.Got your card,photo and letter thank you, I had a great time on Sunday as Carole did a suprise party for me would have been so much more if you were there! Miss u loads keep up the fun & take care love Dad n Carolexxx
Glad to hear ur not going back to England.. Good Luck in New Zealand! And yeh bring your coats gloves hats etc You guys willl need them ;) have Fun, are you going to be working in New Zealand or just holidaying!?
hi bruv
great pics u havnt changed eating the sausages before they have even cooked have a nice time in new zealand and make sure u keep in touch
luv u lots kaleigh and gang xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello boys!
hope your all well and still having a great time out there! the photos look good as always. little update from me...im just coming to the end of my year in florida now but not looking forward to going back home to England as its still in the 70s-80's here. havent experienced cold weather at all yet lol love it! been a fantastic experience all in all and gonna be sad to leave! but anyway take care, keep on living the life and keep in touch ok. bye! xxx
Keith Smith
Hi Ya Ryan happy new year to you and Fiona, looks like your still having fun and im sure your working hard too.Take care and enjoy 2007.
All our Love xx
Hi Wayne
bet ur surprised to hear from me, was thinking about u lot the other day and the only no i have is paul's and he told me u was in oz and gave me this website. sounds and looks like ur havin a great time, aint seen u in ages over 2 years ago jus before i got married, alot has happened during that time, i'm a mummy to baby Ryan who's 16 months old now!! be nice to meet up when u get back, have fun x x
Hey guys, hope your both well? Well as requested ages ago i'm now finally writing a message for your web. Its been a while because i've been so busy with work back here! I'm jealous your both there! Haha! Its great looking back at all the photos, wish i was still there. The web site is great by the way! Hope your still having fun! Keep in touch, hopefully hear from you both soon.
Love Louise xxxxx
Hi Ryan, thanks for your email its good to know your still alive! The pictures look fab of Frazer and the WhitSundays and now your in Sydney hows things there - make sure you get to the Blue Mountains had a brilliant time there - and hop on a ferry over to Manly Island if you get a chance - the Ozzie Rugby team normally train over there on one of the beaches.
Missing you loads, I'm taking mum to the Sanctuary in Covent Garden in a few weeks time as her 50th birthday present (i'm sure she won't thank me for mentioning her age on here!). Dad & Carole have been on hol (first time in 2 years!) he sent me a picture of the hotel which looks really nice but he said the food was s***, but they have made friends with the 2 gay guys next door.
Just noticed Kaleigh's message on the 9th Aug, it doesn't appear to have come out which I know she'll be sad about, she also sent you some pictures of Ruby-Lilly hope you got them? Anyway she's started at Fitz and is loving it.
Speak to you soon
lol Nicky
Jo, Karl, Kieran And Bump
hi wayne,
we have just read your sept 15th message and we saw the funny side. it sounds like you are having a great time.
one thing will never change a female doing your washing, who is she?
i had my scan on the 22nd sept and have been told that the gallant name will carry on (having a boy). grandad is back out of hospital and is doing fine still going to the legion. well no more news so take care speck soon.
hi guys
sounds like ur havin' it
see you soon (maybe)