so..... since we wrote last weve been and seen a lot! we went on a big hike in Puerto Varas to this beautiful volcanoe and snow capped moutnains and beautiful lake! we went swimming and it was soo beautiful and cold! i mean freezing! ahha
then we hopped on a bus south to the island of chiloe, which is absolutely beautiul and rains 99% of the time. a timeless fishing island with beautil coutnryside and boats and such. we had to get on a ferry to arrive there, and it was windy and full of seas spray and we saw seals and penguins!
the island was cold and wet almost the entire time we were there, however our hostel was jolly and had a fireplace that was super cozy. we went exploring multiple cities that had beautiul colourful houses on stilts, and old unesco world heritage churches. there were tones of beautul beaches on the ocean full of shells and fish and rainbow painted boats. we also hit up the national park and ran around in the sand near teh waves with tones of wild horses all around. it was awesome!
right now we are at our wwoofing location, which ended up being a jolly goat cheese farm, with kids and goats and a horse and animals and it is so nice! we are learning how to milk goats and make bread and cheese and such! yesterday the kids took us exploring the countryside with their dogs and horse to go swimming in lakes and ponds and running around fields.
so awesome!
- comments
Mary A. Toney you girls are just having too much fun. Honestly it is wonderful and cheerful to read what you write. It almost feels like an unreal experience what you have already seen. Keep on going. Love Mema
Pat I am just having time to catch up on your blogs. Your descriptions of the beauty are very real. I know the time must be going by much too fast. Scotia, your folks will be here tomorrow for a short visit. I am so looking forward to their visit but will certainly miss having you here. Love G. Pat