I am blissful I dsecoverid this weblog, I couldnt uncover any info on this subject material prior to. I also run a website and if you want to ever serious in a little bit bit of guest writing for me if potential be at liberty to let me know, i am all the time look for folks to take a look at my site. Please stop by and leave a remark someday!
Excellent advice Talen. I'm a big sutreppor of travel insurance. It is especially important for those coming to Thailand. I've had the son of a friend get into a dispute with a huge hospital bill while on holiday in Thailand (his parents complained to me as soon as they knew I was a resident here). And after listening to the account, it did sound like he'd been done'.I've also read many online reports of tourists getting into accidents where they were taken direct to the most fru-fru hospital around, with the costs skyrocketing into crazy heights (at times over what they would pay in their home countries). And in Thailand, there is no pay later' deal. You pay now..-= Catherineb4s last blog .. =-.
I am very curious about the fee sceuhdle mentioned in this video. I am aware that you can, in fact, create one and that they must pay you for time spent in court. Only, I can't any information as to how to go about setting this up I've even asked lawyers and they know nothing of it. I really want to make them pay me for my time in court as I am currently before the court and they will not get a conviction. But I want to add insult to injury by forcing them to pay me for my time as well. Help
Bhanu I am blissful I dsecoverid this weblog, I couldnt uncover any info on this subject material prior to. I also run a website and if you want to ever serious in a little bit bit of guest writing for me if potential be at liberty to let me know, i am all the time look for folks to take a look at my site. Please stop by and leave a remark someday!
re: best friend!Ahoua Excellent advice Talen. I'm a big sutreppor of travel insurance. It is especially important for those coming to Thailand. I've had the son of a friend get into a dispute with a huge hospital bill while on holiday in Thailand (his parents complained to me as soon as they knew I was a resident here). And after listening to the account, it did sound like he'd been done'.I've also read many online reports of tourists getting into accidents where they were taken direct to the most fru-fru hospital around, with the costs skyrocketing into crazy heights (at times over what they would pay in their home countries). And in Thailand, there is no pay later' deal. You pay now..-= Catherineb4s last blog .. =-.
re: how nice could be love!Monir I am very curious about the fee sceuhdle mentioned in this video. I am aware that you can, in fact, create one and that they must pay you for time spent in court. Only, I can't any information as to how to go about setting this up I've even asked lawyers and they know nothing of it. I really want to make them pay me for my time in court as I am currently before the court and they will not get a conviction. But I want to add insult to injury by forcing them to pay me for my time as well. Help
re: im with my nice plaster, smile