Ooh, look at those mountains... Aren't they blue?! Yes indeed, the Blue Mountains are within our very grasp as we've crossed three states to get to this very point. We're currently in a town called Bathurst that sits on the west of the Blue Mountains and tomorrow we will be crossing the mountains over to Katoomba, where we intend to see some fabulous scenery, then will head on over to Sydney on Sunday morning to drop off the camper van. Two more nights in the camper, then a night in Sydney, and we leave Oz for good. It's going to be emotional. Today we (or should I say Howie) did a huge amount of driving, clocking up so many kilometres we lost count. We drove from Albury, along the Olympic Highway (we were hoping it would be sandy outback, but it was more like scrubby bush) through to Wagga Wagga, then up to Wombat, Young and through to Bathurst by nightfall. We saw a wild emu just outside Young, had lunch in Wagga Wagga, roasted in the blistering heat of the New South Wales countryside (I don't want to say outback because it was far too green to be outback) and had our pictures taken next to signs with amusing town names on. Poor Howie is exhausted from all the driving and I am so bitten to shreds from mosquitoes that I am going a bit mad. I have a total of 4 bites on my face. It isn't very nice. So tomorrow we'll hopefully be seeing some famous landmarks (The Three Sisters, Echo Point etc) and will hopefully be able to take some fantastic pictures. Let's just hope it's not raining like it was on the Great Ocean Road.
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