Lookin forward to seeing you soon. I hope you call us before you get in the air. If not, call us as soon as you land.
Love, Mom & Dad
Mom & Dad
Hi Hope,
Love all the GREAT pictures! Looks like you are having the time of your life! Still missin you. Be safe! All your bills have been paid.
Love, Mom & Dad
Hi Hopey!!!
Love the pictures! I can tell you're haveing a blast. I'm so jealous, wish I was there too! Have fun. Can't wait until you get back!! Kiss prince Harry for me!
Mom & Dad
Hi Hope,
I don't know how to view all 30 pictures you have posted. I can only see 9 in 1 album.
Looks like you are having fun! Will see you real soon!
Love, Mom & Dad
Hey girl, I love the pics!! Looks like your having a good ol' time, if you know what I mean!! Wish I can be there partyin with ya! As soon as you get back, its Bar time, girl! Girls night out, baby! Have fun and be safe!!
Love ya!
You're ALIVE!!! Yey! Us Desert Campers were beginning to worry about you! Hope you're having an awesome time!
Hope, I'm sorry I did not call you back this morning. I had all the kids in the car when you called me. Call me again before 7:00am Arizona time. Or call me at my work number. Love, Mom
Hey sweetie I miss you! I haven't heard anything from you yet! Just checking to see if your ok!
I love you!
Sunny Lee
I'm looking for photos! lol. Miss you!
Mom & Dad
Hope, where in the world are you? We miss you!
Hey there, just checkin' to see ur photos and blogs...looks like ur slackin' . Just kiddin, have fun, be safe!
Amy Hernandez
Wow!! I am so excited for you. Have a great time, be good and safe! Call me when you get back we haven't talked in a while. I love you!