Actually, it's all a bit of a hype. It's a bit like Newquay but with great weather and more posy men. And no ice cream vans.
The last 4 or so days have been another fantastic addition to this amazing honeymoon. Unfortunately I don't have my journal with me to remember everything we've done, but writing it all would just take sooooo long, so here's a gist....
From the photo I sent from my mobile, you can imagine how we met up with two 'friends of friends', Emma and Darren, the night before leaving Melbourne. We had explained that we had an early start the next day so couldn't stay out late or drink too much. After 2 sips of her Sauv Blanc, Emma decided we needed to move nearer to where they live so that she could ditch the car. I promised myself I would only have one glass of wine before food but due to the 'move' to another district, 3 glasses of wine later and I was ordering a bottle for Em and I to share. A groovy meal in the Groove Train later, I had to have a coffee and luckily didn't fall off the tram on the way back but was a bit concerned that we were falling into bed whilst setting the alarm for 4 hours later. Thanks for the hangover guys - luckily we got the front seats on the bus, else there may have been an unfortunate 'stop the bus' incident.
Our tour from Melbourne - Sydney involved another old and cranky bus, a pretty useless tour guide who got on Chris's nerves (I ask you!) and a lot more driving than the previous tour. But apart from the 100+ pure nasal 'Right ya mob's and 200+ 'a crazy adventure, all good's and 1000+ 'Yeah's, Chris didn't kill him. But he almost threw a wobbler when he was refused seconds at one hotel. Scary moment. In fairness, his heart was in the right place but he was a bit of a k*** - and couldn't count how many people were on the tour, having a panic attack that he'd left someone at the last stop (after 200km+ of driving) when we were all present, but he'd simply counted himself as a person on the list last time and hadn't counted himself the next time.
Anyway, we drove into a national park near the Southern most point of mainland Oz, to stop off at an old airfield that had overgrown to spot wildlife. We saw Roos and an Emu, but best of all ... a nest of RED BACK SPIDERS. A little knee trembling, until we saw that the little critters were quite small and didn't have fangs. Good to know what they look like for the outback tour. We stopped at Squeaky beach - WHITE WHITE WHITE sand that squeaked! Walked up to the Southern most point and had lunch, seeing Skinks (thought it was a snake - another heart stoppper) on the track up and a ray in the sea below. The weather was cloudy but the sun came out later for our last half hour and Chris managed to get the best Tshirt tan I have EVER seen (photo on facebook on return...). That night we stayed at some Lakes just by 90 mile beach so watched the sun set. Chris and I landed lucky as the hostel was booked out and as we and another couple had upgraded to double rooms but there was only one, the guide chose us to be the ones to stay up the road in the motel. Slightly peed off to be apart from the group... until we saw the room. It was like an apartment so we didn't complain (and didn't tell the others either!).
The next day we drove to the Snowy mountains and into NSW. We stopped at Threadbo, our place for the night and took a walk up the mountains. Chris and his new friend Andy managed the 15km walk to the summit of Australia's highest peak but me and new friend Kerry from Torquay only went up to the second look out (around 10km) as we had heard there was a pool and jacuzzi in out hotel which turned out true but the pool was icy so we lazed in the jacuzzi before dinner and a few party games.
Our last day was a long drive to Canberra and a visit to parliment which I enjoyed as it was a great bulding. In the city, Chris spotted a mega lunch deal and most of the bus piled in after us. Some things are pricey here (such as WINE! boo hoo...) but sometimes you get ridiculous deals - pizza, salad bar and a drink for $10 (about 4 quid). We were told not to have a number 2 before going to Canberra, but to wait till you get there as it would give us something to do, but I didn't think that it seemed that boring a place.
We got to Sydney about 6.30pm, found the train to Bondi junction and then the bus to Bondi. Tim and Nish (Tim Fry from Newport) were waiting in a bar for us so we went to our hostel... only to be told that as they don't do doubles, they share with another hostel in the next street and we're over in there. Not impressed as it was a hostel I'd looked at and decided not to book as the ratings were poor, plus we weren't told where the toilets were, the laundry, not given towels, not told about free breakfast... the room was clean but cramped and hot, so we just changed quickly and met Tim and Nish for food. Right on the seafront and dinner deal for $7 each!!! The wine was more expensive that the food!! So today we went back to our 'official' hostel as we have to do everything through them, to ask to cancel our 3rd night as we decided to extend the hotel in the city for a night, it was all excuses that we might not get a refund as we'd already paid (they were nice about it though and said they'd try and we're not that bothered to waste time over 30 quid) and it was less than 48 hours notice... thing is... our booking said we'd only paid a deposit and needed to pay the balance on arrival in AUS $, and they've told us it's all paid for, so we've realised we're actually staying there for free. We're suddenly not chasing the quest for a refund back now. :)
Today we had breakfast on the seafront seeing as no-one told us it was free in the 'free' hostel and met up with ANdy and Kerry to do the Bondi-Coogee walk. Stopping at a beach on the way for a bit, it took about 3 hours and we certainly caught a few rays. Chris and I got a bus back to Bondi and have been out for dinner and are now returning back to base to pack up and move to the city hotel for 4 nights. Looking forward to having a little luxury for a few nights and seeing the sights.
Most importantly: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!! Love you loads. xxx
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