Well i have just finished packing all my clothes, bits for my bike and 23 Mars Bars just in case i need a snack in between plane meals, not only that i have fasted when it comes to chocolate over the past 16 or so weeks so maybe i am taking chocolate because i deserve it.
Just been looking at the running total for the Charity Bike Ride and it is sitting at £64,531.81. Outstanding and amazing, so thank you to everyone who has put their hands in their pockets and well done to all the team particularly the Coolair Team who have raised in excess of £20,000 and the Cross Group team who have raised in excess of £16,000, fantastic going on both teams parts. Just out of interest the Cross Group got a massive donation from 65 Hot Chicks, now that is either a poultry farmer with 65 chickens who are feeling very warm or it is Andrew Nesbitt's own personal hareem, either way the thing they have in common is a Chicken ranch, note to self, must ask Andrew what his secret is, 65 hot chicks and they paid him, amazing.
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