tuesday 30th september - day 40 - hongkong
Morning is spent grabbing the last few bits we need before we leave to the airport. Its an emotional goodbye to claudia too. There's no airport bus due to the protests so we have to resort to the metro which is twice the price of the bus. We are denied getting on the flight at check in due to having no outbound flight from india booked.Uh.oh. We argue this is not a visa requirement but are eventually forced to book an outbound flight. I book an outbound flight to kathamadu that Im not likely to ever get and yas books hers home. However the check in guy is adimant a booking confirmation is 'not enough' and that he needs an eticket number. After a further argument we cannot board and are advised to change our flight to tomorrow. Severley pissed off, we settle down for a kip on the airport floor while I send a load of angry emails. We meet an indian guy who gives us some travel advice which includes, 'not dressing like that' and points to our clothes. Telling us to buy traditional indian clothes, buying jewellry in bulk and flogging it when we get home, to just eat the dried packet snacks (looks like bombay mix) not to eat ANY meat, to put a red tikka on our fods with red lipstick each day and quote krishna if we are approached by men. Tells us we will have delhi belly and talks to us about the consistency of our future poos. Not to drink beer in public as we will be seen as 'loose' and asking for it. He goes on for a fair while and concludes with, 'there is a saying, you.will either love india, dislike it, or end up raped and dead'. Nice one mate, cant, f***ing wait to get the s***s and be murdered.
- comments
april I like his advice, make sure you follow it!