Saturday 30th - day 10
We take the metro up to the summer palace today and spend around 3 hours walking through the grounds. The palace was considered an imperial retreat where the emperor would come when they wanted to escape Beijing. The garden is vast and full of temples and pavillions which climb up a hill in the centre of the park. we walk through suzhou street which has a main canal and lots of overpriced shops. we head to the main temples - and even get to see the bronze pavilion - as the name suggests, made entirely of bronze. It's hidden in the west side of the main temple. We also see the marble boat in the south west Corner of the park - which is infact just painted to look like marble! There's 'long corridors' which run along the length of the park which are covered in scenic Chinese paintings.
After 3 hours we've seen enough pavillions and go back to the hostel, have a quick dinner there (there's no dumpling party - which I'm pissed off about). We head out at 8,30 and look for perrys which is a street that's been suggested by reginas friend. We go to a few cheap bars which have awful karaoke on but we get stuck in them as it's absolutely pouring with rain. Reginas Pakistani and French friend also join us. We meet up with 3 Norwegians who decide to stick with us and we find a really cool bar down a side street. The Long Island ice teas as so strong and only 20rmb so we make the most of it there. We head to a club next door later on and my memory takes a dive. Last hour consists of me snogging an American, the Norwegians swinging round the poles, Yasmin breaking up a Chinese fight and getting a McDonalds. Good night!!
- comments
Sam As if there was no dumpling party!!! X