So i finally maged to leave Europe having been in an aiport or flight since Tuesday 4pm!
I arrived in Atlanta today before heading south, what a hassel!!!
You get though immigrations, where im questioned how i can afford travel how long im in Mexico for and other wired questes that are none of the officers business! Then you get your bag to go though costums, where after your bag is scanned again and I have to hand it over to them, then you have to go thouh security as i was not allowed to bring my water into the real world..... . . . . and finally i can get my bag. After this I almost ran to the train! Alltogether it took a good 1 1/2 hours to leave the airport!
Any how staying at a cute little hostel, thats like an old town house. Atlanta though is like Bundy (Australia) theres isnt much to do there except to go see Coca Cola (wich i ofcaused missed, because of my airport adventure)...
When i go to the US next can some one pls remind me to check the climate of the state im going to, as i was quite suprised that it was hot and humidt here!
Tomorrow theres another flight to Mexico, that is if i ever get though airport security - looking forward to report from there! (im quite nervous to be honnest)
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