The last two days in Katoomba have been full of great hiking. Katoomba is in the Blue Moutains. It is pretty amazing when you look over the moutains as there is a blue haze, thus the name. I am told it has to do with all the eucalyptus. The hikes in the Jameson Valley are really peaceful. The trees are really high and protect the valley, so it is cool and moist. There are ferns everywhere. I haven't seen any critters becuase they are nocturnal, but there are tons of birds and lizards. My first hike was through a closed trail (the hostel guide told me it was ok) and it was an adventure: no one on the trail, washouts, trees down. It was a nice little adventure! Yesterday was a monumental task. I went into the valley at the Three Sisters and made my way to Ruined Castle. From the time I left the dorm until I got back was about 7 hours of hiking. This hike was cool as it took me across a rockslide. The vegetation went from dense and lush to arid and sparse in the blink of an eye, or maybe two blinks. I was daydreaming!
The last couple of nights I have cooked at the hostel to save money and meet some people. last night two German girls and I stayed up drinking wine late into the night. We visited about everything, but mostly took turns telling stories about our country or asking questions about the other one. I thought they were Dutch at first, so the big joke was to substitute Dutch for German when picking on Germany. I was supposed to be finishing Genetics homework, but this cultural exhcange was priceless, so I will substituting studies for a hike tomorrow!
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