Walker's Travels in Scandinavia 2017 and others
80km, 26 (feels like 32) to 35deg, 94% humidity. The Cinderella Hotel is used as a training center for new staff so at brekky you are surrounded by waiters who want to impress. They all practice their English on you and their uniforms are immaculate, although it's funny watching young boys trying to serve tea wearing oversized men's white gloves. (This city was the centre for British Rule when they were here so English is traditional). It was all for a fun experience. I had the stir fried noodles and chicken, fruit and tea. Can't come at their "coffee", (Wendy has spoilt me) so to avoid disappointment I avoid it. I said "no more thanks" to three different dishes that I had finished but got seconds anyway so there's room for improvement in the language dept, mine that is. Rode away at 8am into a cloudy and humid day. There were National Elections happening this day so we were wondering if we'd end up in the middle of some "incidents". On the surface at least, all appeared calm at the many polling booths we passed. The first 50km gave our backsides a real pounding, with more potholes and patches than road. We were all a bit tender by the time the lunch stop came up and could have done with some standing. This lunch stop was the best meals were had thus far, lovely mild slow cooked (wood stoves) curries, veggies, mutton, beef and chicken. Rode away like fat little piggies. Lucky we only had 7km to our hotel, Zwekabin, on the outskirts of Hpa-An (pronounced Baa-An). It's got a great old-world charm about it. Huge rooms, solid wooden furniture and very nice aircon. It backs onto sheer cliffs which adds to the atmosphere. After a freshen up, clothes washing and a relax they took us to a temple where we had a wander and fed the huge carp in the lake. Next stop was the 1,000 Buddha temple where a huge number (presuming 1,000 but didn't count) of Buddhas occupy the forecourt. It was then off to dinner at the Golden c*** Restaurant which was good but not in the league of the lunch stop. Because we are a "pioneer" tour we can order whatever you want off the menu, no limit. I had baked chicken with a side dish of mixed veggies and rice. Due to a promotion going on with the local beer company my 640ml bottle was free when I found 'one bottle' under the top. A big day tomorrow so it's into bed early.
- comments
Tinkie Beswick Thanks - really enjoying your photos and narrative - you do it so well that I feel almost as if I'd like to be there too - minus some of the food you describe and the, often, strenuous cycling. Enjoy - think of you every day. Blessings, T & R
hippofarmerqld How very sophisticated
hippofarmerqld Yummo!