Walker's Travels in Scandinavia 2017 and others
70km, 13-22 deg, mostly cloudy with some very light rain, but insufficient to don the raincoats. We skipped brekkie at the hotel's bakery and went to have it at the bakery where Gunther's Mum used to work in Braunau, Austria. However it only sold sweet stuff so we had to search out a real bakery. Normally they are on every corner but we struggled to find one so we ended up in the deli section of a small supermarket. Empty tummies satisfied we then cycled the few hundred metres back into Germany to continue our ride. And what a great ride it was, real variety through some very nice scenery, mainly rural but villages, towns and farms at regular intervals. We crossed an old covered wooden bridge, the first one for this trip. The majority of the ride was flat (actually slightly downhill as we were traveling downstream) with a nice helpful tailwind. We bought our lunch at a deli that had hot meat dishes, we had crumbed chicken legs and salad, which we ate in a bus stop. The last 15km or so was through a lovely enchanting forest right next to the Inn River and was slightly undulating with a rather wet and slippery decent. The hotel, IBB Passau was easy to find, right in the city. Before dinner we went for a wander to the point where you can view the three rivers, Danube, Inn and Ilz, converging. It was interesting to see the different water colours staying separate for a while before mixing. Dinner was Asian and really good for most of us. The lady who welcomed us to the restaurant was the food waiter, the drinks waiter and she also cooked our meals in no time at all. Gunther said her German was limited and her English was certainly non-existent; but she probably spoke fairly good Vietnamese. You wonder how they run a business in Germany? She produced 6 meals in a short time frame and all were hot! As it was drizzling rain when we finished dinner it was straight home to a warm, dry hotel room.
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