Day 7 - Dublin to London
Had quite a crappy sleep last night the hotel made a lot of noise in the wind. Sam and I left the hotel at 830am to catch the airport Shuttle bus. It was quite a ride. Our plane leaves at 11 am. Hopefully we have time beforehand to eat as I am soo hungry!
So we got to the airport and there was this huuuge line up! Eventually we found it was the customer service line as a few flights were canceled. (After lining up in check in line we decided to check ours wasn't... Thank god it was only delayed! It was delayed by quite a bit though. Flight was meant to depart 11:15 am. It's now 11:40. So I guess we will see!
After a 2 and a half hour delay we finally got to board our plane. We were meant to arrive at gatwick airport at 12:20 however we ended up arriving at London Gatwick at 330pm. We then found that the Gatwick express wasn't running due to upgrades. So we found the bus replacement. All was going okay. Started driving off got out the airport and someone yells. "Ey the luggage door is open" (like are you for effing real!) Pulled over for a while, police rocked up and the luggage search was on! (Please don't let my things from Ireland be broken!!)
So once we arrive on the train we thought everything would be all hunky dory but it wasn't. There were further delays! What should have taken 2 hours took us 3 and a half possibly more I stopped counting!
8pm! 12 hours after we left the hotel we arrived at our next hostel. 5 hours later then predicted! But we got here in one piece with all our luggage (thank gosh) except for Sams scarf!
We found Jess, caught up on many things, went out for tea, discussed and organised our plan for tomorrow (4 am wake up!) And went to bed. (Thought it would never come)
So overall. I think either the UK doesn't want me or Ireland didn't want to get rid of me!
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