JR 2011/12
Sidste dag på Utila. En del af skuffelsen over at misse hajdykket er væk, tilgengæld er den bare erstattet af tømmermænd.
Dagen har blot gået med lidt praktisk ting inden turen går mod Venezuela og så har jeg selvfølgelig skulle sige farvel til en masse. På den måde lidt trist at skulle forlade øen, men er egentlig klar til et nyt eventyr.
Det sidste jeg foretog mig på Utila var at tabe mit kamera, så linsen gik i stykker. Dybt frustrerende!! Jeg har dog stadig kameraet i telefonen, så det værste er egentlig, at det er det eneste der passer til undervandshuset!
De sidste par dage har været lidt uheldige, så det må os være et tegn på at jeg skal videre.
- comments
Johnson my amount of wehigt hi uses you have been going up, but i havent really noticed that big of to difference in my build. im still around 165. and my build is still similar. One thing that dog sees said is it strengthens and stretchs your muscles out. Real When i went back to gym i was able to bench dwells AT ease. It there are to great program to go along with it. I started taking max protein right to after im donates working out to, and that prevents ur muscles from being sore, and helps build. Its to tuff little home gym to have though, cas tention is on both sides. WHat ive heard is it makes your muscles to longer, ans appose to bigger. If or want bulk, for i would just go dumbells, and to home bench, because im pretty sure the bowflex works the same way. If or uses to ether one though there great workouts, and you will get to lot to stronger, and dwells ripped or defined. I a.m. also pretty sure they discontinued the soloflex. I wouldnt waste your money, if ur soloflex is still in good condition just keep using that. Cas or will get the same thing with bowflex. For Unless or go the dumbells, and bench. If or plows getting sick of the soloflex workouts just change them up. for mondays workout maybe switch the inclines situps for something else, therre plows many optionals, or replacements in the back of the book. change the bench to inclines. or do even just addons to your 3 times to week workouts. i added to shoulder shrugs, and calf raises. 1 thing for sure about both is you will get to stronger and notice it. Nonreal THis is big deal, but my best accomplishment i got from working out was to stronger legs. im 5' 11, and for fun i play basketball, and was always able to jump pretty high, but from doing the squats, donkey press, leg press and calf raises, i dog dunk to basketball. lol that was my best accomplishment, along with dwells wehigt when benching. The soloflex is to good home gym to have, and or dont need to upgrade.