I think it is fair to say that we have now seen and heard it all. Tonight in a very sweet Colombian city called Popayan we met a man from Colorado who is a "professor of backpacking".
We met him through another guy, Dan, who was checking into the hostel as we were on our way out for a beer. Dan said he'd join us, and he would tell the others to come as well. 'The others' turned out to be the university professor and his four students: Tyler, Elijah, Dave and a girl whose name is unknown to us.
This backpacking course is an actual university credit that counts towards various degrees such as International Relations and Spanish. Backpacking 101 as we understand it, intends to teach the students:
- how to be a backpacker
- how to think more creatively
- the importance of NOT planning everything to aid in creative thinking
This is what the professor explained to us and Dan over many beers at a very atmospheric Colombian drinking saloon, with hundreds of vinyl record lining the walls.
The students maybe uttered 5 words between them to us and left after one drink.
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