Tried to upload more photos but the internet connection here isn't the best so will need to bombard you next week (when we reach Buenos Aires) with lots of photo albums from Brazil.
Unfortunately the weather has been against us!!! Keeps raining - argh! Brazil is experiencing some sort of freak weather - typical. You will see from the photos (when I manage to get them on this site) that the fog was pretty bad in Rio and we didn't see much from Christ the Redeemer. Weather was good up sugar loaf though so at least we saw those views.
Kept ourselves busy in Rio with a tour to the Favellas (shanty towns) and an all day tour which took in Sugar Loaf, Christ the Redeemer, Santa Teressa and Lapa. The Favellas weren't really as expected - just like little towns with Banks and even a travel agent in the main street. Although having said that there were certain places we weren't to take photos because the drug dealers would object! The tour guide informed us that 90% of the people living in the Favella's are honest/hard working and just trying to make their way - just the 10% that are drug dealers bringing it all down!
We have moved down the coast from Rio through an island called Ilha Grande and then to here, a coastal town called Paraty. Both are very nice - especially Ilha Grande which was very idylic but like I said it keeps raining so it is becoming a bit annoying! After this we are heading to Iguaza Falls before hitting Argentina and a language school in Buenos Aires. Need to brush up on the Spanish as the Portugese has been a bit of a challenge in Brazil.
Hopefully get the photos úploaded soon.
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