Hi all,
Quick story about Rio De Janeiro before we forget.
Never mind Christ the Redeemer we came close to Madonna!
As mentioned the weather in Rio was a bit foggy and we saw little of the Christ so as we were all a bit fed up our tour guide for the day took us to an alternative spot that looked out over Rio. It also happened to overlook a Favella and something exciting looked to be going on there. The road leading to it had been blocked off with security and a crowd was gathering. The guide told us that Madonna was in town and was visiting a Favella - at first we were like nah can·t be her but then we heard Madonna music floating up towards us. Much excitement later and the spirits were raised. A girl in our group had a very fancy camera and she zoomed in very close. We didn´t actually spot her but can you all look out in Hello/OK magazine and the like and keep us the pictures as we were up in the hills somewhere watching!
Anyway we have arrived in Iguassu Falls on the Argentina side having left Brazil behind. Epic journey to get here - bused it 6 hours to Sao Paulo on Thursday to get the night bus to Iguassu (16 hours - bus was grand though as the seats fold almost flat so get some sleep) to arrive on the Brazillian side of the falls. Stowed the bags at the station and three bus journeys later we were at the Falls. Awesome sight. Had to bus it back the way we came to get the bags back then bus it back into town to get yet another local bus to Argentina. We had to jump off the bus on the Brazillian side of the border to officially exit the country and then wait on another local bus to take us to the Argentina side of the border. Then we managed to totally dodge customs in Argentina. Our passports had been stamped (yipee another stamp) and we were waiting in the customs queue. The guy was literally about the open my bag when the bus driver popped up again, he was waiting for us and was like no time back on bus - we offered to take another bus/taxi but no the customs officer just looked us up and down and just waved us through! So we skipped off to the bus - thanks bus driver!
We are heading to the Argentina side of the falls tomorrow to see more of the sights and get a boat ride that takes you close to the falls so you feel the power of them. Apparently you get soaked. German guy we met on the bus advised us to wear our swimmers!
Hope you are all well
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