Well what a couple of weeks i have just had. As you know i arrived in Cairns on the 24th Feb and started my tour the same day. Since my last blog i can let you know that we left Cairns on the 27th Feb and travelled to Airlie Beach where we caught our sailing boat which we were to live on for the next two nights whilst travelling the Whitsunday Islands. I can tell you that this was a real experience as the weather was not exactly perfect and the sea was a bit choppy to say the least. Got tossed and turned all over the place but it was enjoyable at the same time. We managed to moor the boat in a secured inlet so managed to settle to sleep after a few tinnies. The next day the weather was much improved so firstly after breakfast went to Whitehaven Beach which is the most Iydillic beach i have ever set foot on. You will know what i mean when i get more photos uploaded. We then went snorkling at another island and again was fantastic. After some more sailing we settled down to some dinner and a few beers which included a very good drinking game which got you drunk in record time!!! I forgot to say that not all the group went on the sailing part of the tour. There was Me, Kim(Irish Lass),Christian(Swiss)Pasqual(German) and Katherine(also Swiss).
The following day we sailed in fairly rough sea's around the Whitsunday's back to our base at Long Island where the rest of the group were staying. Got the late afternoon and relaxed and then had dinner and a few beers and shots!!!!!! The next day we went from the whitsundays onto Capricorn Caves for one night where i got to see a cathedral in the middle of a cave and also losts of Kangeroos running about in the wild aroound our lodge site. The next day we where up quite early to travel onto Fraser Island which is the only pure sand isalnd in Australia. Stayed there for two nights and took a 4wd tour around the Island which was incredible. Went swimming in the natural lake and also drove down the 75 mile beach which is actually also a public highway.From there we travelled onto via Brisbane where we speant a few hours around the city, then onto the Gold Coast and Surfer's Paradise. Spent two nights there and basically chilled on the beach and in the evenings went out and had drinks and also went to a nightclub. I did manage to set my alarm for 530am on the thursday morning to see Liverpool get through on away goals to Barcelona and was very very pleased with that especially after the Man U debacle. From the Gold Coast we travelled onto Byron Bay where we stayed two nights. Basically was a very chilled out place with a very good night club called Cheeky Monkeys!!! Saw the most easterly tip of Australia at Byron Bay and the Lighthouse. On the last night did have a rainstorm which downed lots of rain and blocked the entrance to the club so had to paddle our way through the lake that had formed to get into the club which was quite amusing. The next day was the 9th March which was our last day of the trip and travelled a good 8 hours on the coach before finally arriving in Sydney yesterday evening. Some of the tour group are staying in Sydney for a few days so last night we checked out the sights/nightlife and today we went to Bronte beach. We be doing alot more exploring of Sydney in the next few days and will keep you all updated.
Bye for now
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