Hello everyone, Its now Friday the 23rd February and have been in Tokyo for one week and am flying to Cairns in Australia tonite and start another tour down to Sydney. What can i say about Tokyo....its like London on acid. Lots and lots of people and they seem to have a 24hr rush hour here!! Always very busy. Anyway from arriving last friday night i managed to find my cousin johns apartment which is located in Omiya which is about 45 minutes train journey from the centre of Japan. On the saturday he took me to the centre and one part called Shibuya which is the trendy part of Japan and one of the parts where they filmed Lost in Translation. Had a good look around and then we met up with some of johns friends and had some food and drinks. Then went to a traditional Japanese bar and had more drinks and then ended up in a club which had loads of yellow manacins in it(see photos). We ended up coming out of the club at 8am in daylight(and rain!!) John was off to Korea on the sunday with his work so the next couple of days just chilled out at the flat. I could not do anything until john came back as i had forgot to get any money out and the ATM's in Omiya where i was staying were for Japan cards only so i was stranded!!! Anyway since then have visited other places in Tokyo including Shinjuku where aswell as Shibuya the lights at night are amazing. Also went to Ueno where they have a park similiar to Central Park in NY. Had lots of statues and shrines and a few museums to keep me busy...and lots of people!!! I think i could do with at least another week here as one week is not enough but have my flight and tour already booked for Oz so not much i can you. I would recommend Tokyo to anyone as it is an amazing place and has to be seen to be believed. Oh yes i also saw one cherry blossom tree in bloom.Was quite lucky as they are not due until march time. I have a photo of it so have a look in the album. I have picked up some of the lingo....Hai = Yes, Domo Arigato Gozaimasu = Thank You very much, Ni Ikitai desu = I want to go, Konnichi Wa = Good Afternoon and Sayonara = Goodbye. So i will now say Sayonara and will update you all again in due course when am in Australia. I fly into Cairns at 6am saturday and start the tour at 12pm same day so is going to be a little rushed. Bye for now
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