Sisters Three In Spain
Today was a visit to an incredible Country...Gibraltar! It's a little piece of Britain at the bottom of Spain.
Although the Romans ruled the area from 500 BC to AD 475, it was left to the Moors to establish the first settlement in 1160.
Spain captured the rock in 1462 then in 1713 Spain ceded it to England.
In 1779, combined Spanish and French forces totaling more than 50,000 troops laid the final "Great Seige" against a mere 5,000 defenders.
The great north face of the Rock guarded the entrance and the only way to defend it was by digging tunnels and mounting great guns in them!
In WW II Eisenhower conducted the Allied invasion of North Africa from one of the tunnels and all of them remain under military control today.
- comments
Barb Turrin Hi Mom, looks like you are getting some warm weather bring some home with you!!! Great photo of the rock.
Jannicke I can't belive you missed Brad in Gibraltar with one day! ;( hope you are having fun. Miss you