Well it's been a fairly hectic few days in KL. Arrived late on Tuesday after a long train journey. I've never crossed a border on a train before - quite interesting. It involves quite a lot of getting on and off a train. Multiple times. For ages! But all went fairly smoothly, so shouldn't really complain. Plus some Malaysian guy wanted his picture taken with me. So I was a mini celebrity for around 12 seconds...
My hostel is right in the centre of town (which I would have known upon arrival had I remembered to print off my booking slip) an interesting 20 minutes was spent attempting to make the internet booths work at the station. Had a spanish guy in tow - I think he was a little bemused about travelling on his own. Apparently I looked nice and approachable... haha!?
Still, made it there in one piece and had my own personal body guard. Result.
The past few days have just been general tourist days to be honest. Went to the National Mosque, where we were dressed in these lovely purple gowns that covered our heads and bodies. How people wear them in this heat is beyond me! Popped up the Patronus Towers (in the pic above) to the viewing platfom that links the two towers. You can't buy tickets - you have to queue for them - early!! So I dragged my lazy self out of bed at some hour that seemed to still be the middle of the night - and stayed in line for over an hour. All for 7 minutes on the platform! Was nice to see, but there was a fair bit of smog around, so I didn't see as much as I'd hoped.
Well that's it for KL. I'm headed to the Island of Penang in a couple of hours. Hopefully the rain eases off by then - its the daily drenching at the moment. Making me glad there is internet next door!
Hope all is well back there. I heard that Michael Jackson died... if that becomes a 'where were you when you heard' moment - then I was in a taxi, being told in broken english by a guy that insisted on turning the radio up really loud to prove his point. Even though they were speaking in Melayu and I didn't understand a word. Smile and nod Helen...
Big love xx
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