Thomas ive just made a massive mistake of reading this blog. Very jealous as i look outside and its pouring down here!! think i need to get myself over to south america. Enjoy the rest of ur trip pal :) wardy
Neil & Jennifer
Happy Birthday Helen. Glad to see you have arrived safely in Bali and its nice and hot. Hope Tom is spoiling you.
Margaret Peterkin
Happy Birthday Tom - hope you're able to celebrate in time-honoured fashion!
Doug Sanderson
Great to read you are having a great time. Hope you enjoyed Cordoba countryside was there some years ago Dove shooting and drinking Malbec
Neil Sanderson
Glad to see you are having a a varied and great time. Lots of pictures with steak/beer in them, of which I approve, but also a bit of culture - well done.
Mum wants a picture of Tom and Helen doing the Tango!
Barbara Stevenson
Looks like you're having a super time. I bet the steak was superb and just keep telling yourself that red wine is full of anti-oxidants!