We arrived refreshed in Salta after an excellent bus trip where we were supplied with 2 meals, blankets and a pillow which was complete luxury.
We dropped our bags off at the hostel and went for a coffee in the town. We picked a place right in the main square which was pretty lucky as about 10 mins after we had sat down the square started to fill up with a brass band, a lot people on horses and some other strangely dressed people. A parade started and we had front row seats!!
After watching this for a bit we decided to head back to the hostel and check out its delights. The hostel had really bigged itself up as it claimed to be the cleanest hostel in South America, have a pool table as well as a ping pong table and also a fully stocked bar. We got there and it was very empty and had a battered pool table in the middle. We decided to cook a meal for ourselves that night and got the ingredients we needed for a 5 course gourmet meal but unfortunately the hostel foiled us at every attempt, no tin opener, no oven gloves and no forks. The end result was a burnt hand and a poor tasting meal eaten with a spoon. We decided to have a few beers in the hostel so asked to buy some only to be told the hostel had lost its licence a few days ago and also the ping pong table did not exist. The hostel was not living up to its hype although I have to agree that it was very clean.
We took the cable cars up to the top of San Bernardo Hill to enjoy the views of the city. This was really nice as the sun was out in force so we could improve our tans (although I have a pretty bad far farmers tan currently which is not a good look). In the evening we decided to try our luck with another steak after a few disappointing ones recently. I found a recommended place online and we set off in search. After 10 mins looking we were about to give up when we saw the sign so we went in. It was definitely worth the wait as we had the best meal and wine of our trip for a very small fee.
All in all Salta wasn't the most interesting place but worth a quick visit. Next we make an unscheduled stop in Chile (we've packed our warm clothes).
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