This blog is dedicated to two very important people in our lives...
It's mothers day, and we haven't forgotten.
It's when you're away from home and those you love that you realise how much people matter in your life, who's important, who your real friends are, and the value of family.
These are things we already knew before we left, but know even more now that we are away.
Withour our Mums we wouldn't have done half the things we wanted to do, we wouldn't have had the encouragement and guidance we needed, and that extra shove in the right direction to go for it, when a lot of people had doubt, we were told by our parents and family to do what makes us happy, to take the leap and to do it or forever wonder what if.
The hardest part about this trip is not having those people around us like we're used to.
Not one day goes by where we don't talk about our family,or stop thinking about them.
We're always telling others about them too, at any opportunity.
We hope you both get spoilt rotten and have the great day you deserve!
This day is about you,and we're thinking about you and telling everyone how much we love you at every opportunity!
All our love, always
Liz & Luke xxxx
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