Heather and Bob Round the World
Only 3 days to go! .....or 10!...Bob has a bad cold/flu we may delay departure as, due to the swine flu ..airports are checking your temperature as you enter and whipping you off to quarantine if high! don't want to chance that....just about ready for off ...with our comfy snuggly pillows thanks ...big thanks to Alsison you'll need to check the blog and see if the next entry is from India or Fife!
Hopefully I'll work out how to do photos at some point!..this ones of Russia! ( you have to put something in!)
- comments
Sandra You're off already! Doubt swine flu will give you any trouble. I've just traveled to the States and no one is checking temps. Hope you feel better soon, Bob. Good luck!
sascha Bon voyage - hope its lots of fun love sasch xx
doug So...have you left yet!? Haste ye to's sunny and 28 degrees today...only perfect. dx
Zahida Hi, where are you these days? Was thinking about you the other day. Hope the pair of you are well. x