Hello. It is Friday.Another day trip and another week finished.Last Sunday we went to Geneva, Switzerland.The weather hasn't been the greatest out here.I am hearing that it is about 90 degrees in Connecticut and Boston.It has been significantly cooler than that; however we completely lucked out last weekend.It was about 80 degrees in Geneva.Every one was swimming in Lake Geneva; I would have if I had been prepared.We got there and went to the top of a bell tower in a church overlooking the entire city.I love going to the highest possible points, it provides amazing views of cities (St. Paul's Cathedral in London is very highly recommended).The sky was perfectly clear and we could see again for miles over the lake, which is the largest in Europe (pictured).There was a great view of the entire city, the Jet D'Eau, and Swiss Alps.We stayed up there for awhile just taking it in.Its was partly closed down since it was Sunday and has a lot of French influence.But it was nice to just relax on the grass by the lake.We actually laid outside for about 2 hours just soaking it in.We took an hour long boat ride to different points.It was very beautiful and relaxing to look out at the white sailboats on the crystal blue water with the Alps in the background.I am not quite sure of the purpose of the Jet D'Eau, as it is just a shooting fountain, though unusually quiet.We walked over to the pier that brings you out to it.I walked in the mist to cool off, some other walked all the way to the end and back, getting completely soaked…It would have been neat to see the United Nations, unfortunately it wasn't opened on Sunday, hopefully I will get another chance to head there though.
On Saturday night we went out to the river but had trouble getting into some of the boat bars, apparently there are VIP, and one of the boys was drinking outside, and the bouncer didn't want him to come in.We weren't going to leave him alone so we hung outside by the river all night, which proved to be a good time.There were tons of people and we got to know each other better.
The week was a normal school week.Classes are mostly the same, however I noticed a lot of talking in class which would never be allowed in the US.It can be quite distracting.I give a lot of credit to the French students taking these classes all in English.It definitely can't be easy, especially in a class like Business Law where there are concepts that are difficult for me to understand.I was proud of myself on Wednesday.I needed to go to the bookstore that sold us our books to sort out an issue. However, there is no metro stop that would bring me there. I had to take a bus to the outskirts of the city and find it on my own. I was more than a little nervous trying to get there. It took me awhile to figure everything out; which bus line to get on, where we were on the route, how to open the doors, etc. I must have looked like a fool at some points.Then the directions were a little rough.However I happened to stumble upon it and figured it out. Luckily getting home was a lot easier.It was a real accomplishment for me, getting around a new city with a new language all on my own.
Next up is integration weekend in the Ardeche region, in southern France. It is all the freshman CEFAM students, teachers and exchange students for 2 days. It should be very interesting and a good chance to meet a bunch of people. I am finding it a bit difficult to meet people, since I don't have many classes and am not at school much during the day, as well as I live with all Americans, too.I am excited to mingle with people and see another region of the country, as I heard this part is beautiful.
So there are 12 weeks to go.I miss home a bit, and Boston, and the Red Sox. I will be devastated if they win the World Series (we all know they are awesome) and I am not home for it. People say I am being dumb since I am in Europe, but come on! It's the Red Sox and it is so very important to me! I can't be a real fan and say I hope they don't make it, but I will be devastated if I can't be there for it!!
Alright, integration weekend tomorrow, so I will let you know next week how it went.A tout a l'heure!
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