Guiday folks, the boys are off on another wee adventure so we thought it would be rude not to scribble down a sneaky blog to keep you informed in case your interested. The fact that theres only three of us on this particular mission and the continent being travelled happens to be dangerous as f***, could mean the yarns arent as filthy as last years, but we sincerely promise to do our best.
the basic outline is this:three maggots from last years legendary school bus trip around the states (eddy, balf and gus), are flying into mexico city then travelling round mexico for two weeks.from cancun the boys intend to fly to peru and bus around the neighbouring countries Bolivia, and most excitably, Colombia. the trip then takes a massive turn for the worst as two gigantic swinging d*** join up with the team back in Peru. The addition of the sandall brothers to the team is a decision based around the need to be more safe in some of the worlds most dangerous countries. provided the boys arent wallowing in a cocaine and latino-hooker hole by this stage, they fly over south america to Rio for a few weeks charging round brazil, before flying out of Argentina.
thats the basic plan anyway, its highly liable to change, hopefully you lot will tune in and find out more as we try and keep the blog updated as much as possible. to set the tone for the debauchery that is about to ensue, its probably necessary to detail to you folks the mental week spent in london before the boys flew out.enjoy.
London 2-8 August
Things were destined to get out of hand as gus balf and eddy descended on London town for a few nights on the lash before flying out to the land of Nachos. the three lads had spent the best part of the last three years based around the UK and it was going to be emotional leaving, so a send-off nothing short of astronomical would suffice. the plan was to have a couple of quiet days in the week so a few important things could be sorted out for the trip but this never eventuated as the nights got bigger and bigger as the boys got more and more carried away. It was a six day bender in the end, as the boys helped out the British economy, culminating in a weekend of madness. the lads had to get a whole pile of vaccinations on the friday to save the south american locals from catching anything, and these were expensive as f***. sandall was actually incorrect when he told us that malaria tablets come in the form of a winfield red taken 30 times a day.the lady giving the jabs told us not to drink too much after the jabs, and this was taken on board as the boys left the surgery and went straight to the pub. fran was so excited to see the boys turn up at her workplace half-cut, especially when eddy bruv started getting rowdy even after repeated warnings to be quiet. glimpses of bad eddy were evident, especially in the morning at frans flat whilst scratching his balls and telling the girls to f*** off. the three boys then headed round to prestons flat to catch the all black game and catch up with 3 other US school bus pioneers, fisher preston and harper. still hammered drunk, the boys tucked into a few bevvys on the balcony and hurled abuse at passers-by in australian jerseys, until a sneaky wee delivery of you-know-what arrived to move the day on a bit. all 6 lads drank and hoovered all day from 9 in the morning then moved on into tottenham court road to catch the datsuns concert. The concert was f***en awesome, preston probably enjoyed it the most, falling asleep in the mosh pit. by the end of the concert the boys were all an absolute mess, balf was spewing uncontrollably, fisher had turned into a dribbling nonsensical schizophrenic and preston was walking with his eyes shut. somehow the lads managed to keep it together to hit up camden town for some more boozing. in the pub there, prestons cute little arse was nearly prodded by some flaming turd-burglars who were plying him with a straight bourbon-roofy mix. gus and balf managed to save preston from the rapists and get him home along with fisher who still wasnt right in the head. Those of you who know eddy wont actually beleive this but eddy was eating some poor b****es face. Harper, AKA quagmire was nowhere to be seen, most likely giggidy giggidying onto some fortunate ladies. the next day the boys were absolutely f***ed, there was no way they were going to drink on this sunday night, especially as they had s*** to sort on the monday before flying out. Enter fran, shanks, carl and lyons. gus balf and eddy didnt stand a chance against the peer pressure of team christchurch, and before long they were back at frans work eating pints of guiness. the night moved from here to another pub where carl was being nothing short of a pest on the dancefloor. things finished up in camden lock at 5 in the morning with a few homeless bottles of piss and carl and lyons doing some reckless naked flips into the grungy water.
some extra high/lowlights from the week;
-fritha exposing her mammary glands to the whole of camden town
-harper going home with a russian girl only to be told if he stayed the night, he would get the f*** beaten out of him in the morning by a bunch of dirty cosaks.
-renate having the privilege of being exposed to a whole bunch of mature intellectual and insightful chat over the week.get a job renate.
-6 boys sniffing gear over an 18 hour period
-eddy prodding a passed out homeless guy in the nuts to wake him up
-Fran and Shanks having the pleasure of baby-sitting the 3-man s***storm.again.
-carl telling a guy outside the pub, "you look like that bergen c*** that capped all those c*** in Norway"
-being told by every single person we meet over the week that we are going to get shot in south america.appreciate the heads up.
anyway onto mexico it is, cheers to all the people in london and the UK who we met and looked after us over the last couple of years, those of you that had girlfriends before this week, hopefully you still have them. thanks for all the raucous times, see you soon.
mexco city tuesday 9/08/2011
the boys finally arrived in mexico city jaded as f*** after a 13 hour stopover in new york.the civil aviation authority seemed to be on holiday as balf took the beer bong on board and managed to whip a quick funnel away at 30,000 feet. It was early afternoon when the boys checked into hostel amigo in the historical centre and it was straight to bed for a couple of hours kip. later on in the evening the boys ripped into a mexican bbq before heading out to watch some professional mexican wrestling. The mexicans go f***en mad for wrestling, the wrestlers have the gayest outfits,all wear masks, and there was even a few sluggish wrestlers. the highlight of the evening was watching the main fight where a five foot fat 50 year old in a superman outfit called "super porky", started owning c*** .
gus wasnt feeling too flash so eddy and balf hit up the bar at the hostel and got tequila poured off the bar straight down the throat by the over-excited little mexican joker behind the bar. it wasnt a late one, the boys still pretty fuct from the massive week in london.
wednesday 10/08/2011
the boys were up fairly early and excited to see what mexico city had to offer. The city has 27 million inhabitants, is at high altitude and sits almost in a massive basin, so the pollution and smog is ridiculous. apparently walking round in mexico citys air for a day is the equivalent of smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. This basically means that you can double your dart intake for the day at the ridiculously low price of zero pesos. Gus was feeling alot better, apart from the rampant arse-piss, but it was becoming evident after breakfast that balf and eddy were starting to fail from some weird sickness. the boys literally couldnt leave their beds all day which was a bit of a shame, probably wasnt wise to have drunk all that piss in london after getting jabs for 6 different diseases.
thursday 11/08/2011
the lads still werent feeling much better after 24 hours in the scratcher, but they had to be up and about early to go on a tour out to the pyramids at teotitohucan.before going to the pyramids the tour took them to see Guadelupe shrine in the city which is meant to be the biggest gathering of catholics outside of the Vatican. Clearly some mexican people have not seen a massive ginger before, especially not one with mutton chops, as balf seemed to have a lot of people staring and laughing at him. then it was on to the pyramids which were amazing, looked exactly like the ones on apocalypto. the lads mustered up the strength to climb the moon pyramid then the sun pyramid, which gave some pretty stunning views of the valley. feeling slightly better after the days exercise interspersed with rests, the boys headed back to hostel to see how a few sols would slide down the neck. They seemed to be sliding down pretty f***en well for gus, who was fully over his sickness, and he decided to do a bit of a miss into town with new mate Dan and crack onto a few mexican lustys. Unfortunately for gus, the old stand outside and ask for a lighter trick didnt exactly reel in the babes, but he was confident the the lads would get some latino beauties in the near future.
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