Day 7 - Fox Glacier
A nice early start today and then a drive though the mountains towards Fox Glacier. We got really unlucky with the weather and all the helipcopter trips were cancelled :( I wanted to do the ice climbing but apparently we couldnt do it going northbound, only southbound, so the only option was a 4hr hike in the rain... Not my idea of fun and most of it was through a rainforest!! So Janette and I and sat for 5 hours in a cafe and watched DVD's and chatted with our tour manager Kira and a few other stay behind'ers!! Watched Mr Brookes with Kevin Costner, was quite good. Then headed out to our accommodation at Franz Joseph which was pretty cool even if our room did smell like wet dog.. But the bar was happening, and it was $2.50 a drink for couple of hours!! A lot of "skulling" drinks (downing) then bed time for me as these days were taking their toll!
Day 8 - Christchurch
Today we were just making our way back to Christchurch which involved a drive through the mountains called Arthurs Pass, or avalanche central as I dubbed it lol. Just looked like a disaster waiting to happen, especially when we stopped at DEATH CORNER, I just hoped the brakes on the bus were good!! Arrived back at Christchurch, chilled out in the courtyard, headed to town, had an indian (wasnt very good) then went to a NZ bar called Tru bar where we saw off some of our buddies who were only doing the south bound island. It was a sad time! But we all got given "stalker sheets" lol so we can keep in touch on facebook. Next stop, North Island with another 6.30am start :S
Day 9 - C'Church to Wellington
I am getting more tired every day!! Its insane. Had a nice drive along the coast today. Stopped off at a seal colony, there were LOADS!! So cute, lots of baby ones. I had no idea they could move so fast or with such agility. After that it was time to pick our North Island optional excursions. I have a busy schedule which crazily involves bungy jumping.... ARGH! Then we took the ferry from the south island to the north island which was a little rough in the middle but I slept through most of it!! Took a lap round the capital Wellington and up to Mount Victoria for a full view of the city. Then it was back down to our hotel. I was feeling horrible after being on a coach for a week and eating crap, so decided to go for a run with Mr Military, aka Mike lol. He nearly killed me!! I could hardly walk afterwards lol. Did interval training, my legs nearly gave up on me! After that, quick shower and hobble to dinner/drinks in Blend Bar. Lots of games which our table won plenty of, after dinner it soon turned into dancing, most of which was on the bar!! Did another shot ski of jaegar (gross :S) and went to a couple more bars before getting home before 1 as had a wine tour starting at 7.30am!!
Day 10 - Wellington
Thought Id set my alarm to get up... Turned out it was 12 hours out!! Got a phone call from our tour manager Kira to say was I going on the tour and literally threw on some clothes and fell out the door!! I was so so soooooooooo sore from my run I could hardly walk. Steps were just a nitemare. Felt like all the muscles were ripped! We headed to the train, got some breakfast having missed that lol, then took the train out to Waiparapa where we were picked up and had a tour of 4 wineries, morning tea, lunch and afternoon cheese!! Was a really nice day, luckily wasnt too hung over so could appreciate it. Discovered I quite like Riesling, hate Chardonnay and hate most reds. Was fun! We all slept the whole way back on the train lol. A quiet night in was needed, have to prepare for my bungy tomorrow.... :s
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