Hazel and Kieran's adventure!
Well hello!!!
We are now bumming around Santiago but what a lovely place to be a bum in!!!!
Our new hostel is lovely, the people are nice and our room is superbe. We thought that we had finally got away from cold showers and creepy crawleys until one night when we got back to find that our bathroom had been invaded, and yes, you guessed it....ants again.
We think we must have a supply of them in our backpacks and that is why they are following us......
Anyway, still having a wicked time, have scrubbed off several layers of dirt from the last seven weeks and have a whole set of almost clean clothes which is amazing in itself!!!
The tour finally came to a close, thanks to all those who have visited our site already, make sure that you keep in contact!!! We had a great time and will miss you all!! KIERAN!!!!!!!!
So thats all for about now, we are waiting for our flight to New Zealand and are just chilling out for the moment. Lots to see and do in Santiago (oh and by the way, we are in SanTiago, not San Diego for anyone that was confused!!! 2 people we have spoken to (shall not mention names) both thought that we were in the USA, not Chile).
So this is it for now, next time you get a postcard we will be on another continent!!!
wish you were here....
Kieran and Hazel (for a change!!!)
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