So after getting home, showing Mum and Dad my sky dive dvd, and talking loads, I had a burst of enery and thought it would be a good idea to unpack and do all my washing. Where I got all my energy from after being awake for approx 40 hours I don't know, but it worked as got everything put away! By about 8pm though on Sat night I was all pooped out, so collapsed into bed and didn't wake up until about 13 hours later. It took a good week for the jet lag to go, and had a great christmas with everyone, but am now looking foward to my next trip when I go back to Australia for a year next May! Am counting down the weeks already! :-)
Travelling was the best thing I've ever done and had an amazing time, if you ever get the chance to do it just leave everything and go!! You wont regret it!
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