Wednesday 21st July
We are sick of waiting for the fog and cloud to clear in Tofino -it is grey and chilly. We darent get in the water when there is fog lying on top as it is the pacific ocean and the water is supposed to be freezing anyway! There are lots of surfers tackling the small waves here though. Crazy people! We have therefore decided to discard the idea of surfing in Tofino (much to my devestation of the weather) and set off on a 2 month road trip in the van around BC and maybe even Alberta if we have time. We will then start our Whislter snowboarding adventure on October 1st. The best time for sufing in Tofnio is winter as the waves are bigger how they do it I dont know - ah yes I do know they have wet suits which have hats boots and gloves - the only part showing is there blue face! So I wont be too sad to leave Tofino I think it is hyped up a bit too much. We will leave our little routine on the "haunted hill" where we have been parking our van - Often petrified when I wake up in the middle of the night to go to toilet thinking a bear was going to spring out of the woods facing me! Bye Bye to the Co-op toilet which we cleaned our teeth, washed our face, filled up our water bottle and bought some milk for our cereal each morning. Bye Bye Mackenzie Beach Resort which we sneekly entered to have our shower and wash our pots and pans - and finally BYE BYE CHILLY FOG AND CLOUD!
Couple more things I have noticed over here.
Everyone says "Hey" to you even when you dont know them
All Canadians are so enthusiastic it kind of overpowers you and you know know how to reply!
Whenever anyone locks their car it beeps - and you think someone is trying to get your attention
I have so far not seen any traffic wardens...
Everything is expensive
Lots of places still dont have chip and pin!
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